Photos, Loose #16 – Bates/Goodwin/Morrison

At a seller’s stall, in an antique store in Colchester County, I found the following photos and tin types. They were the only photographs in the seller’s items, and I think it is possible they all came from the same related families. Only a few are labelled. I’m hoping individuals in those families may be able to help further identify any of the other individuals.

Photo #1

Written on the back: “Miss Elsie Morrison at Mrs. Goodwin’s, Stewiacke, N. S. Maggie Bates wife of Jim Morrison”

Research: James A. Morrison married Margaret Bates in 1899 in Onslow, Colchester, N.S. They had a daughter, Elsie M. Morrison.

Photo #2

Written on the back: “Elsie M., Arthur Fisher cousin to Elsie Morrison”

Research: James Morrison and Margaret (Bates) Morrison’s daughter, Elsie Morrison (b. 1904).

James Morrison had a sister, Catherine P. Morrison married to George W. Fisher. They had a son, Arthur R. Fisher (b. 1902)

Photo #3

Written on the back: “Edwina Bates”


Edwina M. Bates (b. 1888) married Carswell E. Spence (b. 1881). Edwina’s father was Robert J. Bates, and her mother was Catherine M. Goodwin. Catherine’s brother, Elijah Goodwin, was married to Mary Anne Bates. Mary Anne was a sister to the Margaret Bates that married James A. Morrison.

Photo #4

No caption.

The rest of the items are tin types and are in pretty rough shape. I tried to clean up some of them as best I could.

Photo #5

Note taped to the back: “Lower left my mother, before 1900, ?ina”

Photo #5A

Back of Photo #5.

Research: Is it possibly Edwina, Elvira or Elvina? It looks like an “lv” but would fit in with the family information if it was a “dw”! If only the last name had been included!

Photo #6

Note taped to the back: “Leck Goodwin, Maggie Bates”

Research: Possibly Margaret (Maggie) Bates who married James A. Morrison.

I found one Leck Goodwin (Henry “Leck” Goodwin) b. about 1860 in Stewiacke). Could be him as Maggie Bates was born in 1866, so they would be close in age. His parents were Marchant R. Goodwin and Isabelle Leck. Haven’t found how they are related, yet.

Photo #6A

Taped to the back of Photo #6.

Photo #7

Research: Same woman as in Photo #6, Margaret (Maggie) (Bates) Morrison, married in 1866 to James A. Morrison.

Photo #8

Appears Photos 8 and 9 were taken at the same location. Perhaps these are siblings.

Photo #8A

Photo #8 was in a small paper frame. There are some words written on the inside but I cannot make them out. Last word seems it could be “Finlyson”, which is the last name used in Photo #9.

Photo #9

Written on back: “George Finlyson?” There are last names of Finlayson and Finleyson on line.

Photo #9B

Writing on the back of Photo #9.

Photo #10

Photo #11

Photo #12

Photo #13

Photo #14

Photo #15

Photo #16

Photo #17

Photo #18