Photos, Loose #12 – Banks Family

Photo #1

No information on the front.

Photo #2

On back: “Back Row: Richard (Uncle Dick), Uncle Med, Uncle Alvin. Front: Uncle Ralph, Mother, Aunt Hazel & dad (kneeling)”

I painstakingly started with looking up the most common Nova Scotia last names, starting with the letter “A”. Fortunately, when I got to the “B”‘s I believed I’d made a positive match. Though I am waiting for confirmation, I am 99.9% sure, it is the right family.

The children of Ingram Bill Banks and Mary Ann (McPhee) Banks are: Richard S. Banks; William “Ralph” Banks; James “Meadows” Banks (Med); Theodore P. Banks; Ingram W. Banks; Alvin C. Banks.

William “Ralph” Banks passed away in November of 1935, which would mean this photo was taken before that time. Ingram had passed away quite a while before that time (abt. 1913).

I believe the “Mother” in the photo is Edith Augusta (Gussie) (Brenton) Banks, married to the “dad”, Theodore P. Banks. This would indicate the writing on the back of the photo was by one of their children.

Also, Alvin C. Banks was married to Hazel W. Ayers, which would account for the “Aunt Hazel”.