Photo Album #8(Parker/Smith)

Photo Album #8 – Parker/Smith
I believe this album belongs to the Percy Edmund Nesbitt Parker (1879 – 1960) and Mary “Kathleen” Smith (1882 – 1966) family.
This photo album has no cover and the pages are not connected. The photos are shown here grouped together on the pages they are glued on. # of Photos: 33 glued in
When I first started to collect items, I did not keep track of where I obtained them from. However, this album I kept in its original packaging. I obtained it in May of 2012, and it came from Chapel Hill, North Carolina!

Photo #1
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “Kentville, NS 1910 Picnic”. Written on the back of the photo: “Kath has captured bird in her hand”

Research: Unsure of who the individuals are in this picture. Wouldn’t be Mary “Kathleen” (Smith) Parker because the dates wouldn’t add up.

Photo #2
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “Kentville NS 1910 Florence & Jack”

Research: I believe this is Florence Mary Parker (1908 – 1952) and her brother John “Jack” Albert Parker (1909 – 2001). Their parents were Percy Edmund Nesbitt Parker (1879 – 1960) and Mary “Kathleen” Smith (1882 – 1966).

Photo #3
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “Kentville, NS 1910 Kathleen, Jack, Grandma Smith (Kathleen’s mother)”

Research: Mary “Kathleen” Smith, Jack Albert Parker, and Florence Lucy (Belcher) Smith (1847 – 1925).

Photo #4
Caption: Written on photo: “Grandpa & the girls”
Location unknown.

Research: Possibly Kathleen’s father, Charles Smith (1837 – 1921) as he looks like the gentleman identified in photo #7 as Grandpa S.

Photo #5
No caption.
Location unknown.

Photo #6
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “Doll, Lewis, JAP, FMP in Halifax”

Research: I believe it is Kathleen (Smith) Parker at the back left and Percy Parker to her right. The two older children would be Jack Albert Parker (JAP) and Florence Mary Parker (FMP). It is possible that Doll is Lavinia Adora Lewis (1886 – 1937) – the wife of Percy’s brother, George Rupert Uniacke Parker (1878 – 1967). The small boy could be their son, William James Lewis Parker (1915 – 2006).

Photo #7
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “Grandpa S., JAP & FMP, NS”
Location in N.S. unknown.

Research: This would be Florence Mary Parker, Charles Smith (1837 – 1921) and Jack Albert Parker.

Photo #8
No caption, just a question mark on a separate piece of paper.

Research: Looks like the same place as photo #1, Kentville, NS. It looks like Kath still has the bird in her hand!

Photo #9
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “JAP, FMP NS”
Location unknown, other than it is Nova Scotia.

Research: Jack Albert Parker and Florence Mary Parker.

Photo #10
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “Grandma Smith, JAP, FMP”
Location unknown.

Research: Florence Mary Parker, Florence Lucy (Belcher) Smith and Jack Albert Parker.

Photo #11
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “Kentville liv. rm & Kathleen”. Written on the photo: “Our House in Kentville.”

Research: Mary “Kathleen” (Smith) Parker. Would be nice to know where the house was located in Kentville!

Photo #12
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “DAR parlor car. Percy at far rt. Kathleen far left”
Location unknown.

Research: DAR would be the Dominion Atlantic Railway.

Photo #13
No caption.
Location unknown.

Photo #14
Caption: Written on the photo: “Just Mabe” (?)
Location unknown.

Research: Or does it say “mist mabe”?

Photo #15
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “Summers at Kingsport”. Written on the photo: “Helen Henshaw”

Research: Would be Kingsport, Kings County, Nova Scotia. Not sure who Helen Henshaw is.

Photo #16
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “JAP, Katheen, FMP”
Location unknown.

Research: Jack Albert Parker, Mary “Kathleen” (Smith) Parker, and Florence Mary Parker.

Photo #17
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “Percy, Kathleen, Doll, Lewis”. Written on the photo: “On Parker estate”
Location unknown.
Research: Please refer to photo #6. Similar photos refer to Halifax, N.S.

Photo #18
No caption.
Location unknown.

Photo #19
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “Swimmers at Kingsport”

Photo #20
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “JAP & FMP & ?”. Written on the photo: “Frances, Florence, Jack”
Location unknown.

Research: Frances _____, Florence Mary Parker, and Jack Albert Parker.
There is a Frances M. Dailor, from the states, who ended up marrying Lewis Parker. Possibly her? Both Lewis and Frances died in Maine, USA. I did receive further information from Chris Wheeldon regarding whether this was Frances Dailor: “Although it’s possible, I think it unlikely, as Frances Dailor grew up in Michigan. She and Lew actually met in Yokohama, Japan where he was doing marine inspections with the US Coast Guard and she was in the foreign service.” Thank you for the added information Chris!

Photo #21
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “Boat ride”
Location unknown.

Photo #22
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “JAP, FMP & friend”
Location unknown.

Research: Jack Albert Parker, Florence Mary Parker and a friend.

Photo #23
Caption: “Percy & Kathleen, Rupert & Doll”
Location unknown.

Research: Background looks to be the same as in photos #6 and 16, referred to as the Parker estate, also Halifax, N.S.
I don’t think the photo is captioned properly. Doll is not in the picture but Lewis is. George Rupert Uniacke Parker married Lavinia Adora Lewis and their son’s name was William James Lewis Parker.

Photo #24
Caption: “Father (Percy) & friends”
Location unknown.

Research: Looks to be Jack Albert Parker on the far left, sitting beside his mom, Mary “Kathleen” Smith. Florence Mary Parker is to her right with Percy Parker beside her. Unsure of the other individuals.

Photo #25
Caption: “Grandpa Smith (Kathleen’s father)”
Location unknown.

Research: Charles Smith (1837 – 1921) married to Florence Lucy Belcher (1847 – 1925).

Photo #26
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “Kathleen & friend”. Written on the photo: “Lil and Kath”
Location unknown.

Research: Not sure if it says “Lil” or “Nel”.

Photo #27
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “JAP, FMP & Lewis”

Research: Jack Albert Parker, William James “Lewis” Parker, and Florence Mary Parker.

Photo #28
Caption: Written on a separate piece of paper: “Florence’s class?”. Written on the photo: “The railroad children.” Written above childlren’s heads: “Dwight, Molly, Jack, Nan, Flo, Marge, Trot”
Location unknown.

Research: Pretty sure of all the names, except the last one.

Photo #29
No caption.

Research: Could this be the Kentville house with Jack and Florence sitting by the front steps? Chris Wheeldon may have solved the mystery of where this house is located: “The property is at 31 Highland Avenue in Kentville (copy 45.07459831089991, -64.49314872806376 into Google Maps). It appears that the porch was closed in and the railing removed from the tiny second-floor balcony, but otherwise it strongly resembles what it looked like circa 1910.” After viewing the photo of the current house, I agree with Chris that it is the house in this picture. At a later date, I will try to attach a photo of the current house. Thanks again Chris for your help!

This is what it is probably now the same house as in the previous photo. (#29)

Photo #30
No caption.
No location:

Photo #31
No caption.
No location.

Research: Looks to be Lewis Parker and Doll or Kathleen.
Location appears to be the same as in previous photos.

Photo #32
Caption: Written on the photo: “In Halifax, N.S.”

Research: Jack Albert Parker and Florence Mary Parker.

Photo #33
No caption.
Location unknown.

Research: Possibly Florence Mary Parker, Mary “Kathleen” (Smith) Parker and Percy E. N. Parker. Not sure of the gentleman sitting atop the boat.