Photo Album #3(Johnson/Dickson)

Photo Album #3 – Johnson/Johnston Album (#3 and #4 photo albums were obtained together, and I believe come from the same family line).
Size: 11″ x 9″ x 3″18 Photographs Placed in Slots. Some tintypes, some cartes de visite or cabinet card photos.
Photos shown in the order they appear in the album.
I believe the album to belong to the family of George Albert Johnson (1860 – 1899) and Rebecca Belle Dickson (1862 – 1943)

Photo #1
Written on Front: “Ester Dickie – Cousin of Mother’s.”

Research: I believe this individual to be Esther Dickie (1872 – 1962), wife of Samuel Fulton Johnston (1864 – 1945). She was the daughter of Edward Dickie (1840 – 1918) and Caroline James Johnson (1851 – 1937). Caroline was a sister of George Albert Johnson (1860 – 1899).

Photo #2
Handwritten note: “Mrs. Adam Johnson. My nurse when children were born.”

Research: There are a number of Adam Johnsons. It would be incredible if this was the wife of Adam Johnson (1820-1875) married to Sarah Jane Soley (1819 – 1911) as this would be a photo of my 2nd great grandmother. I believe it is possible as Sarah Jane Soley’s husband, Adam Johnson, was a 1st cousin, once removed, to George Albert Johnson.

Photo #3
Memorial Card for Mrs. Robert Johnson.

Reasearch: I believe this to be Janet Notting (1826 – 1900) married to Robert Johnson (1814 – 1892).
They were the parents of George Albert Johnson (1860 – 1899).

Photo #4
Memorial Card for George A. Johnson.

Research: I believe this to be for George Albert Johnson (1860 – 1899).

Photo #5
Handwritten Note: “Aunt Hattie’s children Tom & Josie Pearson.”

Research: George Albert Johnson’s sister, Harriet (Hattie) Ann Johnson (abt 1849 – before 1934) married John Lewis Pearson (1849 – 1920). Two of their children were Thomas William Pearson (1881 – 1947) and Josephine (Josie) Alice Pearson (1882 – 1926)

Photo #6
Written on Back: “Grandfather Johnson”

Research: I believe this to be a photo of George Albert Johnson (1860 – 1899).

Photo #7
Written on Front: “Great Grandfather Robert Johnson”.

Research: I believe this to be Robert Johnson (1814 – 1892) the father of George Albert Johnson. Robert Johnson was married to Janet Notting (1826 – 1900).

Photo #8
Written on back: “Mrs. Louis Bates (Nettie Dickie) Mother’s Cousin.”

Research: Lewis Bates (1871 – 1957) m. Mary Janet Nettie Dickie (1870 – 1965). Nettie’s parents were Edward Dickie (1840 – 1918) and Caroline James Johonson (1851 – 1937). Caroline was the sister of George Albert Johnson.

Photo #9
Unidentified tintype.

Photo #10
Handwritten on Piece of Paper: “George A. Johnson”.

Research: Possibly George Albert Johnson.

Photo #11
No photographer’s markings.

Photo #12
Written on matting: “Miriam Hayman”

Research: George Albert Johnson’s son, John Campbell Johnson (1884 – 1950), married Lauretta Melissa Hayman (1884 – 1975). Lauretta was first cousins with Gordon Jasper Hayman (1878-1955) who was married to Miriam Waller (1877 – 1962). Could this be Miriam (Waller) Hayman?

Photo #13
There is no identification for this person. By chance?, the next photo album I decided to get ready to post on my site had this exact same person in another photo. It’s a completely different photo album, bought years apart, but bought in the same area (Truro, N.S.)! The other photo has “Elsie J.” written on it. George Albert Johnson had a daughter, Elsie Maude Johnson (1895 – 1985) who married a George Harrison Way (1891 – ca. 1968).
There have been times when I’ve made a connection between items I have that really give me a “Wait a minute” moment. This was one of them!
The other photo is in Album #7 – The Jean Baxter McDonald Album – Photo #27.

Photo #14
Written on a piece of paper: “Mrs. D. M. Johnson, Aunt Janie”
Photographer: Ross Bros., Truro and New Glasgow, N.S.

Research: Not positive of individual but George A. Johnson’s sister, Perdita “Jane” Johnson (1861 – 1940), married Daniel McCully Johnson (18640 – 1945).

Photo #15
Photographer: R. S. Robertson, Pictou, N.S.

I do try and do a bit of restoration on the photos, but this really needs some work. I just do not have the time to do justice to photos such as this. If anyone can restore it, I would love to replace this photo with a much more cleaned up one!

Photo #16
Unidenfied Tintype.

Photo #17
Unidentified Tintype.
The eyes have me thinking it is the same woman in Photo #16.

Photo #18
Unidenfied Tintype.

Photo #19
Photographer: H. N. __Pinson, Bridgewater, Massachusetts.
Had trouble reading the name of the photographer.

Photo #20
Written on back: “Youil Hayman”

Research: Looks like Youil on the back. Previous picture of “Miriam Hayman” as possibly Miriam Waller married to Gordon Jasper Hayman. They had a son Gordon Yuill Hayman (1900 – 1936). Could he have been known by his middle name Yuill, and could this be him, despite the spelling on the photo?
In an email from K. Hayman, Sept. 19, 2020, he confirmed that Gordon Yuill Hayman’s death certificate identifies him as Yuill Hayman. This further provides evidence of this photo being Gordon Yuill Hayman.

Photo #21
The writing on the back of the photo.

Photo #22
Two news clippings that were in the album.
An obituary notice for George Albert Johnson.
An obituary notice for Bessie Pearson.