Photo Album #28 – Edith Buffett

Photo Album #28, Edith Buffet, came with Photo Album #27, Annie Buffett. Edith is Annie’s sister. Album is approximately 8 1/4″ x 6″. Photos are in the order they appear in the album.

There are some loose pages and photos that I will add to this album, later.

Photo #1 – Inside Cover

Caption: “Edith H. Buffett, Dartmouth, N. S., Feb 28th, 1928” “Taken 1927, Reg & Deite”

Photo #2

Research: Not sure who Reg is, and I know Deite was a name mentioned in Annie Buffett’s album.

Photo #3

Caption on front: “Barbara – Hettie – Norman – St. Vital, Winn.”

Research: Barbara Rollerson, her mother Henrietta (Eastman) Rollerson, and her brother Norman Rollerson.

Photo #4

Caption written on front: “Vola, Victoria, Hazel, Minnie Edith, Effie.”

Photo #5

Caption on front: “Brownie Barbara, Winnipeg.”

Research: Barbara Louise Rollerson b. January 2, 1920 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Parents – Walter Rollerson and Henrietta A. (Eastman) Rollerson.

Photo #6

Caption on front: “Jessie” Caption on back: “August 1928”

Photo #7

Caption written on front: Grades I – II – III. Gerald, Kennie, Harold, Jackie, Freeman.”

Photo #8

Written on front: “Dartmouth 1928 – Edna C. Crathorne”

Photo #9

Written on front: “Shirley, Helen & Daddy. Nov. 1929 – Truro.” Written on back: Shirley, & Helen, their Daddy. Nov 1929.”

Photo #10

Written on front: “Frank L., Art D., Jack T., Don MacD., Bill P. or D? – Planting a tree in memory of Grade 11 – 1928.”

Photo #11

Written on front: “M. Covey” Written on back (partly covered by glued on black paper): “Marion, taken at St. John, N.B.”

Research: Possibly Marian M. F. Covey b. 1910 in Saint John, New Brunwick.

Photo #12

Written on front: “The House of Prunes – 415 Prince St., Truro.”

Research: Did a google street search and it appears this house no longer exists in Truro, Nova Scotia. It is a vacant lot.

Photo #13

Photo #13 and #14 go together for the Caption: “Sue as she appeared in the play by ?? B. – P. N.C. March 11 ’29 – Mid-Summer Nights Dream”

Research: Provincial Normal College in Truro, Nova Scotia.

Photo #14

As per Photo #13.

Photo #15

Caption on front: “The Lady”

Research: Appears to be at 415 Prince St., Truro, Nova Scotia.

Photo #16

Written on front: “Vince, Dr. Davis, Buddy, Eli – Campus”

Research: Possibly at the Provincial Normal College in Truro, Nova Scotia.

Photo #17

Written on front: “March Hare” Written on back: “Taken March10/29”

Research: Appears to be taken at 415 Prince Street, Truro, Nova Scotia.

Photo #18

Written on front: “Died – June – 1961 – or May – Sue P.”

Research: Appears to be taken at 415 Prince Street, Truro, Nova Scotia.

Photo #19

Written on front: “Flops, Spry, Annie, Sue – Science Bldg.”

Research: Possibly taken at the Provincial Normal College in Truro, Nova Scotia.

Photo #20

Written on front: Seymore, Earle, Art – Campus – June 1929″

Research: Possibly the Provincial Normal College, Truro, Nova Scotia.

Photo #21

Written on front: “Scott, Buddy, Vinc, Robie, Veeder, Duncan. Basil – College Campus – Truro”

Research: Provincial Normal College, Truro, Nova Scotia.

Photo #22

Caption on front: “Shirley & Helen – Nov. 1929” Written on back: “Shirley & Helen at the front lawn – Nov 9, 1929”

Photo #23

Nothing written.

Research: right beside the picture of Shirley & Helen, so possibly them?

Photo #24

Written on front: “Campus – June 1929 – DC, Sue, Buddy, Mary, Eli”

Research: Provincial Normal College, Truro, Nova Scotia.

Photo #25

Written on front: “Grad. dresses, 1929”

Photo #26

Written on front: “Harold, Charlie, Hazel, Jackie, Rennie, Lottie – ? 1938”

Photo #27

Written on front: “Sue taken at Victoria Park 1926” Written on back: “Taken Victoria Park, Truro, N. S. Oct 21st, 1928”

Photo #28

Written on front: “Campus – Messers Comeau, Higney, MacCarthy – The Gents – June 1929”

Photo #29

Written on front: “Gertie B., Violetta B., Mrs. B., Mrs. L., Alice M. – Feb. 9 ’30”

Photo #30

Written on front: “Basketball players and Guests – Vinc, Robie, Eli, Seymor, Art, Frank, Duncan, Jerald, Ethel, Stevie, Isable, Montie, Winnie, Ed, Dot, Beckie, Knolton, Doris, Evelyn – Rifle Range Hlfx Rd – June 1929 – Truro” Written on back: Same information.

Photo #31

Written on front: “P. N. C. ’29 – Imogene – E. – Sue – Isabel – Tag”

Research: Provincial Normal College, Truro, Nova Scotia.

Photo #32

Written on front: “Died Dec. 1927 – S. Finlay”

Photo #33

Caption on front: “Teddy”

Photo #34

Written on front: “Our old friend M”

Photo #35

Written on front: “Sue 1930”

Photo #36

Written on front: “Mrs. A., Helen & Shirley – June 1929 – 415 Prince St., Truro, N.S.”

Photo #37

Written on front: “Hackett’s Cove – 1930” Written on back: “Hackett’s Cove – Feb 7th ’30”

Research: Hackett’s Cove, Nova Scotia.

Photo #38

Written on front: “Mr. A, Helen & Shirley – June – 1929 – 415 Prince Street – Truro”

Photo #39

Written on front: “Helen B., Teddy and Helen E. – Camp Laffalot”

Research: Camp Laffalot is reffered to in Album #27, in some photos.

Photo #40

Written on front: “Mrs. B.” Written on back: “Mrs. J. E. Boutilier”

Photo #41

Written on front: “Hazel – Helen – 1929” Written on back: Same information.

Photo #42

Written on front: “Brooklyn, N. Y. – The Olesens – 1929” Written on back: “Yours truly and the brothers, 1929. Have I changed any Ed?”

Photo #43

Written on front: “Brooklyn, N. Y. – “Reo” & Brothers – 1929″ Written on back: “Brooklyn, 1929”

Photo #44

Written on front: “At Locks 1929 – Edith – Ruth – The Loving Pair” Written on back: “E & R”

Photo #45

Written on front: “Tom – Frank – Frankie – Me – Our Gang – 1929”

Research: Possibly Thomas Buffet, his sister Frances Buffett, his other sister Edith Buffett and not sure about Frankie Buffett. Tom, Frances (Frank) and Edith’s parents were Benjamin Buffett and Hannah Jane Eastman.

Photo #46

Written on front: “Wharf – Skinny Runt – Tom” Written on back: “Taken July 192_ (Other things written but covered in glued on paper.)

Research: Edith’s brother, Thomas Buffett.

Photo #47

Written on front: “Lock – 1st – Ruth – Flo – Frank – 1929” Written on back: “Ruth, Frank, Flo – Darmouth 1929”

Research: Frank is possibly Frances E. Buffett. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

Photo #48

Written on front: “Locks – 1929 – Moira – Ruth – Me – A heap big spill.” Written on back: “General spill.”

Photo #49

Written on front: “Evelyn – Minnie- Lottie – Muriel – Edith – Kathleen – Effie – Vola – Pupils of Hackett’s Cove – 1929 – 30”

Photo #50

Written on front: “Rameo”

Research: Rameo, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Photo #51

Written on front: “NFLD”

Research: Newfoundland, Canada. Unfortunately what is written on the back cannot be read as it is glued to the page.

Photo #52

Written on front: “Jessie”

Photo #53

Written on front: “Mabel – Helen – Dr. Lawler”

Photo #54

Written on front: “Green Bay – Camp Laffalot – 1928”

Photo #55

Written on front: “Walter – Hettie – Norman – Barbara”

Research: Walter & Henrietta (Eastman) Rollerson, with their children Barbara and Norman Rollerson.

Photo #56

Written on front: “Sam – Taken At Mount Royal – May 18, 1936”

Research: Possibly Mount Royal in Montreal, Quebec. Possibly Edith’s brother Samuel Buffett.

Photo #57

Written on front: “Margaret – May 1931”

Photo #58

Written on front: “Did you ever see anything harder ??? – Sam – Margaret – 1931”

Research: Possibly Edith Buffett’s brother, Sam Buffett.

Photo #59

Written on front: “Mariam and Teddy – 1931”

Photo #60

Written on front: “W. H. G. Sedgwick”

Photo #61

Written on front: “Kid Brother”

Research: Looks to be Edith Buffett’s younger brother, Tom.

Photo #62

Written on front: Mrs. P. – Ruth H. – Ruth P.”

Photo #63

Written on front: ” Etta – E “

Photo #64

Written on front: “Laffalot Crew”

Photo #65

Written on front: “Fire At Camp – 1930”

Research: From a book I have titled “Guiding in Nova Scotia 1911 – 1936, it reads: “In 1930 one camp had a very exciting and rather frightening experience. A barn situated very close to the house they were using was burned. The Guides had to fight the fire until help came.”

Photo #66

Written on front: “Aunt H. – Aunt L.”

Photo #67

Written on front: “Aunt Harry”

Photo #68

Written on front: “Edith – Dr. Lawlor – Camp Laffalot”

Writing on back but glued on to page.

Photo #69

Written on front: “Diet – Dolly – Helen – Gerry – Mae – Edna – Evellyn – Frnk – Dot – E – Ruth Helen – 1928 – Bedford”

Research: Possibly “E” is for Edith Buffett and Frank is her sister, Frances Buffett.

Photo #70 – Start of loose photos and loose pages.

Loose Negative (Shown as a Photo).

Photo #71

Loose Photo

No caption.

Photo #72

Loose Photo.

Written on front: “E and Eva”

Research: I believe “E” would be Edith Buffett.

Photo #73

Loose Photo

Written on front: “Lena Miles and Genevie Buffett. 1926”

Photo #74

Loose Photo.

Written on back: “1931”

Research: Reminds me of the Peggy’s Cove area.”

Photo #75

Loose Photo.

No caption.

Photo #76

Loose Photo.

No caption.

Photo #77

Photo on loose page.

Written on front: “May 27, 1934 – Dot and E”

Research: I believe “E” is Edith Buffett. There is writing on the back but the photo is glued to the page so only a couple of words can be seen (“cattle, pigs”).

Photo #78

Photo on loose page.

Written on front: “Yum 1934”

Photo #79

Photo on loose page.

Written on front: “1933 – Jan. E – Margie”

Research: I believe “E” is Edith Buffett.

Photo #80

Photo on loose page.

Written on front: “Margaret – Norma”

Photo #81

Photo on loose page.

Written on front: “Blossom 1935”

Photo #82

Photo on loose page.

Written on front: “July 1 – 1935”

Research: Looks to be the same woman who is in Photo #82.”

Photo #83

Photo on loose page.

Written on front: “Garnet”

Photo #84

Photo on loose page.

Written on front: “Kaye – Mildred”

Photo #85

Photo on loose page.

Written on front: “Muriel – Dot – Kaye – Mildred”

Photo #86

Photo on loose page.

Caption on front: “Muriel – ? – Nan – Dot – Mable – Lil”

Photo #87

Photo on loose page.

No caption. (Writing underneath is for a different photo, that is missing.)

Photo #88

Photo on loose page.

Written on front: “Ronnie Den ….”

Photo #89

Photo on loose page.

Written on front: “Len? & Earl”

Photo #90

Photo on loose page.

Written on front: “Ruth and E”

Research: I believe “E” is Edith Buffett.”

Photo #91

Photo on loose page.

Written on photo: “Picnic – McNabs Isld. – 1924”

Written on page: “Mildred, Eva, Helen, Gladys & I”

Photo #92

Photo on loose page.

Written on front: “Miss Dorey Feb 1924”

Photo #93

Photo on loose page.

Written on front: “Jack”

Photo #94

Photo on loose page.

Written on front: “Point Pleasant Park 1923”

Written on page: “Myrtle, Helen, Lillian, Dorothy, Queenie (?), Florence, Olive, A friend of Miss Dorey’s & I”

Photo #95

Photo on loose page.

Written on front: “At the locks 1923”

Written on page: “Rita M., Carrie W., Olive M., Myrtle Z., Marge T., Reta, Helen, Hilda L., Lili C., Dorothy, Florence, Vi, Elsie, Mildred