Photo Album #27 – Annie Buffett

These albums were purchased in 2014 from a seller located in Bedford, Nova Scotia. This album measures approximately 11 1/2″ x 7″ x 2″. There are 311 photos in the album, a lot glued in. Most are related to the Girl Guides association. Photos are shown in the order they appear in the album. The inside cover states: “Annie Buffett, Jan. 24th, 1925 – From Tom and Sam”.

Research: I believe I originally had the incorrect Annie Buffett identified. I’d previously had her identified as Annie Beatrice Buffett, b. June 28, 1885 in Burgeo, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada; d. about 1964 in Toronto, York, Ontario. Parents were Benjamin S. Buffett and Elizabeth Troke, both born in Newfoundland. It now makes more sense that it is Anna Buffett b. January 24, 1904 in Burnt Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, d. July 8, 1978 in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Anna had two younger brothers, Tom and Sam, who were probably the names mentioned on the inside cover. The second album I have belongs to Edith Buffett, and this Anna Buffett had a sister Edith. Their parents were Benjamin Buffett and Hannah Jane Eastman.

There are many names mentioned in this album and I have speculated on the identity of a number of them. Others are common names, so hard to pin down. Hoping someone related to the Buffett family, or with other names in the album, can help with the identification.

Photo #1

Caption: Written on Page: “Saturday, August 23rd/24. Camp “Waaskisoo” Aug. 11 – 23rd, 1924. Find the 5 kittens.”

Research: I have a book called “Guiding in Nova Scotia 1911 – 1936” with the following information: “The camps held were: 1924 – Trinity Guides at Timberlea with Dartmouth, Hantsport, and Bridgewater again attending.”

Photo #2

Caption: Written on Page: “Effie at Camp. Aug. 1924.” Postcard Photo.

Research: Possibly Effie M. Shaw b. 1907 in Newfoundland.

Photo #3

Caption: Written on Page: “Saturday Aug. 16th” Postcard Photo.

Photo #4

Caption: Written on page: “Alma Fader & Kathleen Wilson, “Waaskisoo” 1924.

Research: Possibly Alma R. Fader b. December 31, 1909 in Windsor, Nova Scotia.

Confirmation that this is indeed, Alma R. Fader b. December 31, 1909!

Photo #5

Caption: Written on Back: “Rest Hour”.

Caption: Written on Page: “Penning a letter for home. Effie – Dite – and Florie Marshall”

Research: Possibly Effie Shaw.

Photo #6

Caption: Written on Back: “Irene, Dora & Rita”.

Caption: Written on Page: “Irene Fader, Dora Hubley and Rita Josie. Camp Tumble.”

Research: Possibly Irene V. Fader b. January 10, 1913 in Halifax, Halifax, N.S. Possibly Dora M. Hubley b. April 9, 1909 in Spry Bay, Halifax, N.S. Possibly Rita C. Josie b. July 4, 1910 in Halifax, Halifax, N.S.

Photo #7

Caption: Written on Page: “Bird’s Eye View of “Waaskisoo” – Aug. 1924. 1st Anniversary Birthday Cake Dec. 4/24.”

Photo #8

Caption: Written on Back: “We’re off, so long.”

Caption: Written on Page: “Girl Guide Day May 24/24. Dartmouth Lakes. From Mrs. Crimp’s Camp.”

Photo #9

Caption: Written on Back: “Joan & Ethel, May 24”.

Caption: Written on Page: “Girl Guide Day. Joan Bracegirdle & Ethel Borgal. A Little Child Shall Lead.”

Research: Possibly Joan M. Bracegirdle b. April 9, 1915 in Quebec City, Quebec. Possibly Ethel M. Borgal b. August 30, 1921 in Pleasant Harbour, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Photo #10

Caption: Written on Back: “Lynie excited”

Caption: Written on Page: “Officers In Charge, May 1st/24”.

Photo #11

Caption: Written on Back: “Some bunch”

Caption: Written on Page: “Group Snapped While Landing At Mrs. Crimp’s Camp.”

Photo #12

Caption: Written on Page: “1st Halifax Rangers 1924”

Newspaper Article.

Photo #13

Caption: Written on Back: “A Lone Traveller”.

Caption: Written on Page: “May 24th/24, Edith Carroll”

Research: Possibly Edith M. Carroll b. May 10, 1912 in Halifax, Halifax, N.S.

Photo #14

Caption: Written on Back: “On Skyville Beach”

Caption: Written on Page: May 24th/24, Ready for fun.”

Photo #15

Caption: Written on Page: “Lena Himelman 1924”

Research: Possibly Lena V. Himelman b. January 25, 1909 in Dartmouth, N.S.

Photo #16

Caption: Written on Page: “Rescue Work May 24/24. Cap and D. Bracegirdle.

Research: Perhaps Capt. Walters (Photo #12). Perhaps Dorothy Bracegirdle b. December 18, 1904.

Photo #17

Caption: Written on Page: “Fran and I. 1924.”

Photo #18

Caption: Written on Page: “Yours Truly. Sept. 1924.”

Photo #19

Caption: Written on Page: “Fran. Sept. 1924.”

Photo #20

Caption: Written on Page: “Effie Shaw. Sept. 1924.”

Research: Possibly Effie Myra Shaw b. January 4, 1907, in Sandy Point, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Photo #21

Caption: Written on Page: “Old Mill Stream – Timberlea, N.S. Audrey Holmes – July 1924. Aren’t I cute?”

Photo #22

Caption: Written on Back: “Rest a while. Old Mill Stream.”

Caption: Written on Page: “Old Mill Stream – Timberlea, N.S. Cap & Louise H.”

Research: Capt. Walters?

Photo #23

Caption: Written on Back: “On the rocks. The Old Mill Stream.”

Caption: Written on Page: “The Old Mill Stream – Timberlea, N.S. “Cap” July 1st/24.”

Research: Capt. Walters?

Photo #24

Caption: Written on Page: “July 1st/24 Hike from Timberlea. Cap & the Holmes twins.”

Research: Capt. Walters? Would this be Audrey Holmes of Photo #21 and possibly Louise H. of Photo #22? Have not been able to find them on line.

Photo #25

Caption: Written on Page: “July 1st/24 Hike from Timberlea. Ready for home. Where’s Annie?”

Research: Capt. Walters and the Holmes twins?

Photo #26

Caption: Written on Page: “July 1st/24 Hike from Timberlea. On the wood pile. Quite strong.”

Research: Capt. Walters?

Photo #27

Caption: Written on Page: “Camp Doctor 1924. Dr. Cap ready for operations.”

Research: Capt. Walters?

Photo #28

Caption: Written on back: “Leap Frog” Written on Page: “Leap Frog – at camp 1924. Irene O., Effie S., Winnie M., Edna J.”

Research: Perhaps Effie Shaw.

Photo #29

Caption: Written on back: “Waaskisoo of ’24” Written on Page: “View from the hills.”

Photo #30

Caption: Written on Page: “Just Met. Inmates of “Will-O-Wisp” “.

Photo #31

Caption: Written on Page: “Dorothy Bracegirdle of the Truro Brownies at camp. 1924. (Notice the Tom-Tom) & Kittens.”

Research: Possibly Dorothy Bracegirdle b. December 18, 1904.

Photo #32

Caption: Written on Page: “Umbrellas Bring Good Luck. Ask Cap.”

Research: Capt. Walters?

Photo #33

Caption: Written on Back: “Jean B. Aug. 11/24” Written on page: “Jean Bracegirdle”

Photo #34

Caption: Written on Back: “Bad “Site” ” Written on Page: “Rather Foggy. Fine Weather. “It ain’t going to rain no more”. “

Photo #35

Caption: Written on Page: “Field Day. Hilda – Effie – Katie & Kathleen.”

Research: Possibly Hilda Morris, Effie Shaw.

Photo #36

Caption: Written on Page: “Field Day. A Merry Group.”

Photo #37

Caption: Written on Page: “Field Day. Start of Brownies. Some Speed.”

Photo #38

Caption: Written on Back: “A close call. 1924” Written on Page: “Nearly Caught. “Cap” Hike to Armdale.”

Research: Armdale is a neighbourhood of the community of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Captain Walters?

Photo #39

Caption: Written on Back: “Lending a hand.” Written on Page: “A Near Faint. Leslie DeYoung, Violet Laidlaw & Olive Morash.”

Research: Possibly Leslie G. DeYoung b. 1907 in Halifax, Halifax, N.S.; Olive Morash b. 1903 in Dartmouth, Halifax, N.S.

Confirmation this is possibly Leslie G. DeYoung, b. 1907! (via Text June 1/23)

Photo #40

Caption: Written on Page: “Sunday School Nov. 10th/24”

Photo #41

Caption: Written on Page: “Kathleen – Theo & Jean Nov/ 10/24.”

Photo #42

Caption: Written on Page: “1923. Aunt dressed up in Granny clothes.”

Photo #43

Caption: Written on Page: “Christ Church. Dartmouth. Armstice Day Nov. 10th/24.”

Photo #44

Caption: Written on Page: “View From McNabb’s Island.”

Research: McNabs Island is the largest island at the entrance of Halifax Harbour in Nova Scotia.

Photo #45

Caption: Written on Back: “North West Arm 1923.” Written on Page: “Regatta. N. W. A. Halifax.”

Photo #46

Caption: Written on Page: “Capt. and the Kids. May 24/24.”

Research: Capt. Walters?

Photo #47

Caption: Written on Page: “A Few of Dartmouth Guides. May 24th, 1924.”

Photo #48

Caption: Written on Page: “Symie Says. “Touchy Creatures” “.

Photo #49

Caption: Written on Back: “Slightly stewed. Dartmouth Park. A Pack of Red Deer.” Written on Page: “Red Snow-Shoe Patrol. 1924.”

Photo #50

Caption: Written on Back: “Katie and Dot. Armdale.” Written on Page: “Hike To Armdale. Dec. 1924. K. Hunt and D. Day.”

Research: Possibly Dorothy Margaret Day, b. 1908 in Woodside, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

Confirmation this is possibly Dorothy Margaret Day, b. 1908! (via Text June 1/23)

Photo #51

Caption: Written on Back: “Armdale 1924.” Written on Page: “Hike To Armdale. Dec. 1924. Fran – Armdale.”

Photo #52

Caption: Written on Back: “Some Trinity Guides. 1924.” Written on Page: “Hike To Armdale. Dec. 1924.”

Photo #53

Caption: Written on Back: “Her Nibbs.” Written on Page: “Taking A Rest. Dartmouth Lakes.”

Research: “Her Nibbs” is a saying akin to something like “Her Majesty”.

Photo #54

Written on Page: “After the “Ball” “.

Photo #55

Caption: Written on Back: “Some lookers” Written on Page: “Hike to Armdale. 1924. Lena Woodruff – W. Marshall – A. Bracegirdle – M. Balcom.”

Research: Possibly Lena Woodroffe b. about 1910, living in Halifax in 1921. Possibly Adeline Bracegirdle b. 1910.

Photo #56

Caption: Written on Back: “Ma and Ethel” Written on Page: “Mrs. Borgal & Ethel.”

Research: Possible child is Ethel Mae Borgal (b. 1921).

Photo #57

Caption: Written on Page: “Beckie in the front ranks.”

Photo #58

Caption: Written on Back: “Oh, snowshoes stay put.” Written on Page: “Just A Tumble. Dartmouth Lakes.”

Photo #59

Caption: Written on Back: “Rangers, Armdale, April 1924.” Written on Page: “A Group of Rangers – 1st Halifax. Jan. 1924.”

Photo #60

Caption: Written on Page: “Our Bible Class. 1925.”

Photo #61

Caption: Written on Photo: “Ready for inspection.” Written on page: “Fran. 1923”

Photo #62

Caption: Written on Photo: “Slightly confused.” Written on page: “Mrs. Laidlaw and Jerry.”

Photo #63

Caption: Written on Photo: ” Hit the ball.” Written on page: “High-Lows.”

Photo #64

Caption: Written on page: “Hike around Tobins. March 28/25. Hilda & Etta. Under the “apple” tree.”

Research: Possibly Hilda Morris. Possibly Etta Duff.

Photo #65

Caption: Written on page: “Hike around Tobins. March 28/25. Cap’s Farmyard Friend.”

Research: Capt. Walters?

Photo #66

Caption: Written on page: “Around Tobins. Mar. 28/25. At the Grave of the Babes in the Wood.”

Research: Grave of the Babes in the Wood – In April 11, 1842, Margaret and Jane Elizabeth Meagher wandered from home and were found huddled together, having died from exposure. The hill on which they were found is known as Melancholy Mountain. The two girls are buried side by side in Dartmouth’s Woodlawn Cemetery. (“One City, Many Communities” b Alfreda Withrow.)

Photo #67

Caption: Written on page: “Around Tobins. Mar. 28/25. The Crew. What’s Cap saying?”

Research: Capt. Walters?

Photo #68

Caption: Written on page: “Around Tobins. Mar. 28/25. Taking a rest. Etta Duff and yours truly.”

Photo #69

Caption: Written on page: “At the Locks. May 16/25. Effie & Hilda.”

Research: Possibly Effie Shaw and Hilda Morris.

Photo #70

Caption: Written on page: “Taking our own faces.”

Photo #71

Caption: Written on page: “Fishing. – Perhaps!

Photo #72

Caption: Written on page: “Rest-a-while. Locks. May 16/25.”

Photo #73

Caption: Written on page: “Up in the Trees. May 16/25.”

Photo #74

Caption: Written on page: “Shadows. May 16/25.”

Photo #75

Caption: Written on page: ” “Over the Top”. Three scare-crows. May 31/25″

Photo #76

Caption: Written on page: ” “On the Rocks”. Old Mill Stream.”

Photo #77

Caption: Written on page: “Mrs. C. Fraser and the bunch.”

Photo #78

Caption: Written on page: “The old way of cooking at camp. 1924.”

Photo #79

Caption: Written on page: “The Old Swimming Hole. Lake Fraser. Aug. 1925.”

Photo #80

Caption: Written on page: “Hilda – Effie – Marion Davey – Mrs. Borgal.”

Research: Possibly Hilda Morris and Effie Shaw. Possibly Marion E. Davy b. about 1910 in Montreal, d. 1996 in Truro, N.S.

Research: Received an email with the individual feeling it wasn’t Marion E. Davy (1910), of Montreal, in the picture.

Photo #81

Caption: Written on page: “Ship – Shape.”

Photo #82

Caption: Written on page: “A camp group. 1925. V. Kidd, N. Mulloch, G. Lawson, G. Keddy, E. Shaw, H. Hill.”

Research: Possibly Effie Shaw.

Photo #83

Caption: Written on page: “Trinity Girl Guide Camp Aug. 11 – 23, 1925. Forming the Horse Shoe.”

Photo #84

Caption: Written on page: “Trinity Girl Guide Camp Aug. 11 – 23, 1925. Court of Honour.”

Photo #85

Caption: Written on page: “Trinity Girl Guide Camp Aug. 11 – 23, 1925. At the brook. 1925. Alma Fader – Rita Hubley.”

Research: Confirmation this is Alma R. Fader. “The girls would go to Timberlea by train with a trunk for the month. Growing up, Guides was very important to her.”

Photo #86

Caption: Written on page: “Laura Mitchell (Bedford) Aug. 1925.”

Research: Possibly Laura M. Mitchell b. June 15, 1911 in Bedford, Halifax, N.S.

Photo #87

Caption: Written on page: “The Four Musketeers. H. Smith, D. Coates, J?. McCombs, E. Davey.”

Research: Possibly Dorothy Coates.

Photo #88

Caption: Written on page: “1925. Nellie Godwin (Bedford).”

Research: Possibly Ellen “Nellie” Godwin b. about 1911 residing in Bedford in 1921.

Photo #89

Caption: Written on page: “Nearly Done”

Photo #90

Caption: Written on page: “Some snaps taken at camp. 1925. A bunch of posies.”

Photo #91

Caption: Written on page: “Some snaps taken at camp. 1925. Sun-Gazing. 3 Bedfellows.”

Photo #92

Caption: Written on page: “Some snaps taken at camp. 1925. Four in one. A freak.”

Photo #93

Caption: Written on page: “Down across the bridge. 1925. Paddle in the water. – Taking a foot bath.”

Photo #94

Caption: Written on page: “Hiking to camp. M. Davey, R. Josie, E. Baxter, E. Shaw.”

Research: Possibly Margaret or Marion Davy, Rita Josie and Effie Shaw

Photo #95

Caption: Written on page: “Cap. at the Old Mill. Timberlea.”

Photo #96

Caption: Written on page: “Camp Group. “Waaskisoo”. Aug. 1925.”

Research: Confirmation that Alma Fader is about 4th from back row, right.

Photo #97

Caption: Written on page: “Tent Inspection. Aug. 1925. A. Cole, R. Shanks, G. Kedy, N. Mulloch, D. Graves, R. Hubley.”

Research: Possibly Rita Hubley.

Photo #98

Caption: Written on page: ” “Waaskisoo” August 1925.”

Photo #99

Caption: Written on page: “E. Torrey. 1926.

Research: Possibly Ethel May Torrey b. May 1910 in Guysborough, Nova Scotia.

Photo #100

Caption: Written on page: “April 1925. Some trio.”

Photo #101

Caption: Written on page: “Timberlea. 1926. E. Torrey, H. Simms, A. DesBarres, A. Buffett.”

Research: Possibly Ethel Torrey, Annie Buffett.

Photo #102

Caption: Written on page: “E. Torrey, H. Simms, Cap, A. DesBarres.”

Research: Possibly Capt. Walters and Ethel Torrey.

Photo #103

Caption: Written on page: “Wash-Day at camp. 1925. W. Marshall – D. Hubley.”

Research: Possibly Dora Hubley.

Photo #104

Caption: Written on page: “2nd Poplar Girl Guide Company. June 1925. Poplar, London, E. 14, England. Miss Alice S. M. Burley – Captain.”

Photo #105

Caption: Written on page: “January 1926. Ski-Racing on the Citadel. 1926.”

Photo #106

Caption: Written on page: “January 1926. Red-Deer Snow-Shoe Patrol. E. Torrey – A. Buffett – “Cap” – A. Spriggs – A. DesBarres.”

Research: Possibly Ethel Torrey, Annie Buffett.

Photo #107

Caption: Written on page: “January 1926. Snow-Shoe Race – Citadel.”

Photo #108

Caption: Written on page: “Winter at Timberlea. Jan. 1926. Taken on one of our snow-shoe tramps.”

Photo #109

Caption: Written on page: “Name it and it’s yours. Dress-up affair. Aug. 21/26.”

Photo #110

Caption: Written on page: “May 24/26. Looking for lodging.”

Photo #111

Caption: Written on article photo: “The Girl Guides, Karachi, 1923 – 24.”

Photo #112

Caption: Written on page: “Week-end camp. May 22nd – 24th 1926.”

Photo #113

Caption: Written on page: “Monkey Inn. Aug. 11 – 21st 1926. E. (Reo) Olesen, Valborg Laursen, E. (Molly) Walker, Ingrid Olesen.”

Photo #114

Caption: Written on page: “A boot show. Week-end camp. May 1926.”

Photo #115

Caption: Written on page: “Pack-up day. Waaskisoo. Aug. 21/26. Even the tents disappear.”

Photo #116

Caption: Written on page: “Trinity Fairies.”

Photo #117

Caption: Written on page: “Miss Alice S. M. Burley. Folkestone Cliffs, Kent, England.”

Research: Photos #144 and 145, has Alice Barley of England. Looks to be the same person.

Photo #118

Caption: Written on page: “Margaret at the wheel. Waaskisoo. 1926.”

Photo #119

Caption: Written on page: “Kosy-Korner No More. Waaskisoo. 1926. A. Bracegirdle, G. Marhsall, D. Coates.”

Possibly Adeline Bracegirdle, and Dorothy Coates.

Photo #120

Caption: Written on page: “Waaskisoo. August 1926.”

Photo #121

Caption: Written on page: “Wonder what it’s all about?”

Photo #122

Caption: Written on page: “Some of the Dartmouth campers. Aug. 1926.”

Photo #123

Caption: Written on page: “Who’s in the Hospital Tent?”

Photo #124

Caption: Written on page: “Waaskisoo. August 1926. Wonderful Nymphs! Down the stream. E. McDow, F. Mosher, D. Baker, R. Josie, B. Mosher, M. Green, I. Johnson.”

Research: Possibly Rita Josie.

Photo #125

Caption: Written on page: “Waaskisoo. August 1926. Some Stunt! B. Jones – P. (or D) Flemming – D. Baker.”

Photo #126

Caption: Written on page: “Waaskisoo. August 1926. Laziness Personified. Wondering what to do next. D. Baker, E. McDow, F. Mosher, M. Greene, B. Mosher, R. Josie, I. Johnson.”

Research: Possibly Edith McDow, Rita Josie.

Photo #127

Caption: Written on page: “Waaskisoo. August 1926. Handy Brook! Used for many purposes.”

Photo #128

Caption: Written on page: “Waaskisoo. August 1926. Darning Day.”

Photo #129

Caption: Written on page: “Building castles “on the bridge”. Ski & Rita.”

Photo #130

Caption: Written on page: “Waaskisoo. Aug. 1926.”

Photo #131

Caption: Written on page: “Look what we have here! A real live Jack-In-The-Box. A famous mess-up.””

Photo #132

Caption: Written on page: “Hospital Duty. Perhaps! Thanks for the buggy ride.”

Photo #133

Caption: Written on page: “Aug. 1926. Marian Davey & Cap. Notice the Iodine beauty spots.”

Research: Possibly Marion E. Davy.

Photo #134

Caption: Written on page: “Frankie – Marian – Emily. “Fran-Del-Mar”. “

Research: Possibly Marian E. Davy.

Photo #135

Caption: Written on page: “Dot Coates – Adeline Bracegirdle. “Kosy Korner”. “

Photo #136

Caption: Written on page: “Aug. 1926. Margaret Publicover. 1926.”

Research: There are a few Margaret Publicovers, perhaps the one pictured here is: Margaret Publicover b. 1911 in Dartmouth, N.S.

Photo #137

Caption: Written on page: “Blockhouse Hill. Lunenburg. July 4/26.”

Photo #138

Caption: Written on page: “Garden L____. Lunenburg. Fraser’s Truck (alias) Timberlea Bus.”

Photo #139

Caption: Written on page: “Guides of 2nd Poplar Co. on hike to Tower of London.”

Photo #140

Some 2nd Poplar Guides at Races at Charlton, Kent, England.”

Photo #141

Caption: Written on page: “It won’t be long now! May – 1927.”

Photo #142

Caption: Written on page: “Almost on the rocks!”

Photo #143

Caption: Written on page: “Isle of Wight. Aug. 1/26. Bonchurch Old Pond.”

Photo #144

Caption: Written on page: “Miss Alice Barley”.

Research: See Photo 117.

Photo #145

Caption: Written on page: “Miss Alice Barley. Ventnor, Isle of Wight.”

Research: See Photo #117.

Photo #146

Caption: Written on page: “Cascade above the Bridge. Ventnor.”

Photo #147

Caption: Written on page: “Below the Bridge.”

Photo #148

Caption: Written on page: “At Waaskisoo Rapids. Aug. 1926. Some Crowd!”

Photo #149

Caption: Written on page: “The Choir. Waaskisoo. Aug. 1926. Back Row: E. McDow, A. Bracegirdle, “Cap” Marian Davey. Middle Row: B. Jones, D. Baker, Joan Turner, E. Baker, B. Mosher, F. Mosher. Front Row: E. Davey, M. Green, G. Marshall, P. Flemming.”

Research: Possibly Edith McDow, Adeline Bracegirdle, Marion Davy.

Photo #150

Caption: Written on page: “What a solemn crowd! June 11 – 1927.”

Photo #151

Caption: Written on page: “No wonder the next picture was a failure! June 11 – 1927.”

Photo #152

Caption: Written on page: ” “Sampling the water.” First attempt for the year. June 11 – 1927.”

Photo #153

Caption: Written on page: ” “Ow – the water is wet.” June 11- 1927.”

Photo #154

No caption.

Photo #155

No caption.

Photo #156

Caption: Written on page: “Campers Aug. 1926.”

Photo #157

Caption: Written on page: “2nd Poplar Guide Company 1926. For “Balph”, North Ockenden, Essex. A merry party.”

Photo #158

Caption: Written on page: “2nd Poplar Guide Company 1926. Some Day! You Bet! East Honden. Looking like rain.”

Photo #159

Caption: Written on page: “2nd Poplar Guides. Homeward Bound! East Honden. Notice the dark clouds.”

Photo #160

Caption: Written on page: “Monument – Point Pleasant Park.”

Photo #161

Caption: Written on page: “What a treat for sore eyes!”

Photo #162

Caption: Written on page: “May – 1927.”

Photo #163

Caption: Written on page: “May 1927.”

Photo #164

Caption: Written on page: “Kathleen Wilcox. May 1925.”

Research: There are a few Kathleen Wilcox’s. Perhaps she is Elizabeth Kathleen (Kay) Wilcox b. 1917 in Halifax, N.S.

Photo #165

Caption: Written on page: “Sunday, May 17/25. Bessie Hay, Fran, Effie, Evelyn, Edith.”

Photo #166

Caption: Written on page: “Miss Hilty. May, 1925.”

Photo #167

Caption: Written on page: “Etta Duff.”

Photo #168

Caption: Written on page: “Ready for Sunday School.”

Research: Confirmation that it is Christ Church, in Dartmouth, N.S., in background.

Photo #169

Caption: Written on page: “Sunday May 17/25.”

Research: Confirmation that it is Christ Church, in Dartmouth, N.S., in background.

Photo #170

Caption: Written on page: “Beckie & the Bunch.”

Photo #171

Caption: Written on page: “Mar. 15/25. “I spy Run & Hide.”

Photo #172

Caption: Written on page: “Notice “Sleeping Beauty”. Notice the old gun. This gun was blown from the “Mont Blanc” to Albro Lake at the time of the explostion Dec 6/18.”

Research: Confirmation that this is the old Greenvale School in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

Photo #173

Caption: Written on page: “Effie Shaw and Fran. March 15/25.”

Research: Confirmation that this is the old Greenvale School in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

Photo #174

Caption: Written on page: “Sunday – May 17/25. Four cousins.”

Photo #175

Caption: Written on page: “Sunday – May 17/25. Beckie, Lena & Mom.”

Photo #176

Caption: Written on page: “Sunday – May 17/25. Beckie, Sam & Tommy.”

Research: Possibly Anna’s brothers Sam and Tommy Buffett.

Photo #177

Caption: Written on page: “Fran and Edith – 1925. “O what a face-show”. “

Photo #178

Caption: Written on page: “Florence King – Mrs. Watson. 1922.”

Photo #179

Caption: Written on page: “Auntie Murray 1922.

Photo #180

Caption: Written on page: “Rameo, Nfld.”

Research: Annie Buffett’s family had ties to this area.

Photo #181

Caption: Written on Back: “Chrissie & Flo 1920.” Caption: Written on Page: “Chrissie Watson & Florence. 1922.”

Photo #182

Caption: Written on Page: “Fran – Etta – Dot – Ruth.”

Research: Possibly Etta Duff.

Photo #183

Caption: Written on Page: “Barbara Rollerson. 1920.”

Research: Possibly Barbara Louise Rollerson b. January 2, 1920 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Her mother, Henrietta A. Eastman was born in Burnt Islands, Newfoundland.

Research: Confirmation from Michael Reid that this is indeed Barbara L. Rollerson of Winnipeg, Manitoba!

Photo #184

Caption: Written on Page: “March 18/25”

Photo #185

Caption: Caption: Written on Back: “Mae and Jen. Aug.” Written on Page: “Jeannette Paterson – Mae Glennister. 1924.”

Photo #186

Caption: Written on Back: “oh, you-” Caption: Written on Page: “Florence King . 1923.”

Photo #187

Caption: Written on Page: “At McNabs Island. July 12/24. A. Buffett – Del Guy.”

Research: Annie Buffett.

Photo #188

Caption: Written on Back: “All set.” Caption: Written on Page: “Tommy. 1923.”

Research: Thomas Buffett b. 1915.

Photo #189

Caption: Written on Page: “Mr. and Mrs. Spencer and Alice Poole.”

Photo #190

Caption: Written on Page: “Florence King – July 1924.”

Photo #191

Caption: Written on Back: “Oh, duty.” Caption: Written on Page: “Violet Laidlaw. 1924. Just grew.”

Photo #192

Caption: Written on Page: “High & Lofty.”

Photo #193

Caption: Written on Page: “McNabs Island. July 12/24. D. Guy – A. Buffett – E. Spencer.”

Research: Possibly Del Guy and Annie Buffett.

Photo #194

Caption: Written on Page: “McNabs Island. July 12/24.”

Photo #195

Caption: Caption: Written on Back: “On the rocks. July 12.” Written on Page: “McNabs Island. July 12/24. On the rocks.”

Photo #196

Caption: Written on Back: “Flossie.” Caption: Written on Page: “Florence at Bedford. 1923.”

Photo #197

Caption: Written on Back: “Getting high up.” Caption: Written on Page: “Tommy.”

Research: Thomas Buffett.

Photo #198

Caption: Written on Back: “Captain and the kid.” Written on Page: “On the shore.”

Photo #199

Caption: Written on Back: “Just us three.” Caption: Written on Page: “Amherst. 1923. Helen, Gladys & I.”

Photo #200

Caption: Written on Back: “Some feed -” Caption: Written on Page: “Amherst. 1923. Some “Chicken” dinner. Tidnish shore.”

Photo #201

Caption: Written on Back: “Catching flies on Victoria St. Aug. 1923.” Caption: Written on Page: “Amherst. 1923. Helen & Gladys. Catching flies.”

Photo #202

Caption: Written on Back: “At work.” Caption: Written on Page: “Amherst. 1923. Helen – Maid of all work.”

Photo #203

Caption: Written on Page: “Amherst. 1923. In Peele’s yard. Amherst, N.S.”

Photo #204

Caption: Written on Page: “Amherst. Red Deer. 1924.”

Photo #205

Caption: Written on Page: “Amherst. Making of Topsy.”

Photo #206

Caption: Written on Page: “Shake on it.”

Photo #207

Caption: Written on Page: “Amherst. 1923. Mr. & Mrs. Patterson.”

Photo #208

Caption: Written on Back: “Up we go.” Caption: Written on Page: “Amherst. 1923. Mrs. Stone.”

Photo #209

Caption: Written on Page: “Amherst. 1923. Mr. Stone.”

Photo #210

Caption: Written on Back: “New kitty.” Caption: Written on Page: “Amherst – Aug. 1923. Gladys Peele – 1923.”

Photo #211

Caption: Written on Page: “Mr. Stone.”

Photo #212

Caption: Written on Back: “I’m lonesome, so lonesome for you.” Caption: Written on Page: “Violet – 1924.”

Research: Possibly Violet Laidlaw.

Photo #213

Caption: Written on Back: “To Jennie from Hattie.” Caption: Written on Page: “Aunt Hattie. Rameo, Nfld. 1924.”

Photo #214

Caption: Written on Page: “Tidnish Shore, Amherst. 1923.”

Photo #215

Caption: Written on Page: “Uncle Will & Tom. Dec. 1924.

Research: Possibly Thomas Buffett. Annie Buffett did have an Uncle William Buffett.

Photo #216

Caption: Written on Page: “Cousins – North Sydney.”

Photo #217

Caption: Written on Page: “July 12/24. McNabs Island. Mrs. Nichols, Alice & Florence.”

Photo #218

Caption: Written on Page: “July 12/24. McNabs Island. Resting.”

Photo #219

Caption: Written on Back: “His 1st watch.” Caption: Written on Page: “On Baord.”

Research: Thomas Buffett.

Photo #220

Caption: Written on Page: “Fran & Edith. 1923.”

Photo #221

Caption: Written on Page: “Tommy.:

Research: Thomas Buffett.

Photo #222

Caption: Written on Page: “Grade III – Park School – 1923 – 1924.”

Research: There is currently a Park West School in Halifax, N.S.

Photo #223

Caption: Written on Page: “Park School. 1924.”

Photo #224

Caption: Written on Page: “Miss Dorey & her boys.”

Photo #225

Caption: Written on Page: “May 1927.”

Photo #226

Hattie Carter. 1923.”

Photo #227

Caption: Written on Back: “In our lane.” Caption: Written on Page: “Fran and Edith. 1924.”

Research: Annie Buffett’s two sisters were Frances and Edith. Possibly them?

Photo #228

Caption: Written on Back: “All ready.” Caption: Written on Page: “Edith, Evelyn and Fran.”

Photo #229

Caption: Written on Back: “Safe and sound.” Caption: Written on Page: “Locks – 1924.”

Photo #230

Caption: Written on Page: “Sept. 1924.”

Photo #231

Caption: Written on Page: “Mamma. 1924.”

Research: Possibly Annie Buffett’s mother, Hannah Jane (Eastman) Buffett.

Photo #232

Caption: Written on Page: “Dorothy Phillips. 1924.”

Photo #233

Caption: Written on Page: “Good Bargains. Nuff said?”

Photo #234

Caption: Written on Page: “Watching the grass grow.”

Photo #235

Caption: Written on Back: “In my garden – waiting.” Caption: Written on Page: ” Chrissie Watson. 1922.”

Photo #236

Caption: Written on Page: “On the Harbour.”

Photo #237

Caption: Written on Page: “Roll your own.” Caption: Written on Page: “Florence and Hattie. 1923.”

Photo #238

Caption: Written on Page: “Fran. 1923.”

Photo #239

Caption: Written on Page: “Just me and you.” Caption: Written on Page: “1923. Gladys Peele and “yours truly”. Amherst.”

Photo #240

Caption: Written on Page: “Aunt Lena. Rameo, Nfld. 1924.”

Photo #241

Caption: Written on Page: “Christ Church Tennis Fans at McNabs Island1924.”

Photo #241A

Caption: Written on back: “On our farm.” Written on page: “Tom and Frank. July 12/24.”

Research: Thomas Buffett?

Photo #242

Caption: Written on Back: “I won’t now see, I won’t, Roll your own.” Caption: Written on Page: “Fran and Faith. 1925. Things like this happen in the best regulated families.”

Photo #243

Caption: Written on Back: “Some feet.” Written on Page: “Some bunch. 1922. C. Bolton, E. Nichols, C. Webber, C. Watson, G. Hilton.”

Photo #244

Caption: Written on Back: “Jen, Pat, June” Caption: Written on Page: “Jen. 1924.”

Photo #245

Caption: Written on Page: “Barbara. Winnipeg. 1924.”

Research: Barbara Rollerson.

Photo #246

Caption: Written on Page: “Tom and Sam. 1923.”

Possibly Thomas Buffett and his brother, Samuel Buffett, Annie’s brothers.

Photo #247

Caption: Written on Page: “Roosevelt Hospital, New York, U.S.A. 1924. M. MacGlashen, Miss M. Dorey.”

Photo #248

Caption: Written on Page: “Daisy P____son. 1922(?).”

Photo #249

Caption: Written on Page: “Dorothy Morash. 1924.”

Research: There is a Dorothy Clarrisa Morash b. 1907 in Dartmouth, N.S.

Photo #250

Caption: Written on Back: “My flock – Aug. 9/23.” Caption: Written on Page: “Sunday School Picnic Aug. 7/23.”

Photo #251

Caption: Written on Page: “Sunday School Class. Nov. 10th, 1924.”

Photo #252

Caption: Written on Page: “Bedford Basin. 1923. Moonlight.”

Photo #253

Caption: Written on Page: “Quite Grown Up. 1924.”

Photo #254

Caption: Written on Back: “Waiting for you. Bedford.” Caption: Written on Page: “Bedford Basin.”

Photo #255

Caption: Written on Back: “N.W.A. 1922.” Caption: Written on Page: “Florence King. 1923.”

Photo #256

Caption: Written on Page: “Dartmouth Lakes.”

Photo #257

Caption: Written on Back: “Jack King 1919.” Caption: Written on Page: “Jack King 1921.”

Photo #258

Caption: Written on Back: “At promenad. July 1923. Barbara and I.” Caption: Written on Page: “Hettie & Barbara.”

Research: Possibly Barbara Rollerson.

Research: Confirmation from Michael Reid that it is Henrietta A. (Eastman) Rollerson, and her daughter Barbara Rollerson. He mentioned that Henrietta has gone by the names Hettie or Hattie and that the location is Lake Winnipeg. Thank you Michael for providing this information!

Photo #259

Caption: Written on Page: “Effie Shaw. Locks.”

Photo #260

Caption: Written on Back: “The Locks. Aug. 26/24.” Caption: Written on Page: “Sunday School Class Outing – Locks.”

Photo #261

Caption: Written on Page: “Dorothy Morash. 1923.”

Photo #262

Caption: Written on Page: “Dartmouth Locks. 1924.”

Photo #263

Caption: Written on Back: “All aboard. Aug26/24.” Caption: Written on Page: “Dartmouth Lakes. 1924.”

Photo #264

Caption: Written on Back: “1921. Annie Buffett. Millie Buffett. This is a snap we had taken when Millie was in Dartmouth. Annie.” Caption: Written on Page: “Millie Buffett and I. 1921.”

Photo #265

Caption: Written on Back: “Some picnic, I bet. A picnic bunch. July 1921.” Caption: Written on Page: “Picnic Party 1922.”

Photo #266

Caption: Written on Page: “Truro – 1922.”

Photo #267

Caption: Written on Page: “Mamma.”

Research: Possibly Annie Buffett’s mother, Hannah Jane (Eastman) Buffett.

Photo #268

Caption: Written on Page: “Effie. Tobogganing.”

Research: Possibly Effie Shaw.

Photo #269

Caption: Written on Page: “Yours truly. Mar. 1925.”

Photo #270

Caption: Written on Page: “Afloat. Near the wharves.”

Photo #271

Caption: Written on Page: “Dad – June 8/25.

Research: Possibly Annie Buffett’s father, Benjamin Buffett.

Photo #272

Caption: Written on Page: “Bobby & Darron Wilcox.”

Photo #273

Caption: Written on Page: “May 1927.”

Photo #274

Caption: Written on Page: “Lena Himelman. June 7/25.”

Research: Possibly Lena V. Himelman b. 1909 in Dartmouth, N.S.

Photo #275

Caption: Written on Page: “Hilda Norris. June 6/25.”

Research: Possibly Hilda Janet Norris b. 1909 in Halifax, N.S.

Photo #276

Caption: Written on Page: “Tom & Clyde. 1925.”

Research: Thomas Buffett.

Photo #277

Caption: Written on Page: “Girls Branch W. A. Picnic. June 6/25. Who does Edith think she’s hugging?”

Photo #278

Caption: Written on Page: “C. C. S. S. Picnic – July. 1925.”

Research: Possibly Christ Church Sunday School.

Photo #279

Caption: Written on Page: “72 Hawthorne St., Dartmouth, N. S. R. Shaw, M. Hartling, R. Conrad, J. Sievert.”

Research: Originally had as K. Shaw. Thank you to David Shaw for suggesting it is R. Shaw, probably Raymond Shaw, a brother to Effie Shaw! He also felt that photos of Effie Shaw were indeed, Effie Myra Shaw b. January 4, 1907.

Photo #280

Caption: Written on Page: “Bathing Beauties. You bet.”

Photo #281

Photo #282

Caption: Written on Page: “McNabs Island. July 29/25. D. Phillips & Helen Stone.”

Photo #283

Caption: Written on Page: “C. C. Sunday School Picnic. 1925.”

Research: Possibly Christ Church Sunday School.

Photo #284

Caption: Written on Page: “Tommy. On the Commons. Halifax.”

Research: Thomas Buffett.

Photo #285

Caption: Written on Page: “Mrs. Stone. July 26/25. Windsor Junction.”

Photo #286

Caption: Written on Page: “Tommy. Aug. 1925.”

Research: Thomas Buffett.

Photo #287

Caption: Written on Page: “In the backyard. Aug. 10/25.”

Research: Possibly Hannah Jane (Eastman) Buffett, and looks like her son, Thomas Buffett.

Photo #288

Caption: Written on Page: “Yours truly. Aug. 10/25.”

Photo #289

Caption: Written on Page: “Allan Cox & Tom. 1926.”

Research: Possibly Hannah Jane (Eastman) Buffett on the far left, and her son, Thomas Buffett.

Photo #290

Caption: Written on Page: “Halifax Commons. Aug. 1925.”

Photo #291

Caption: Written on Page: “A bunch of school chums. 1920.”

Photo #292

Caption: Written on Page: “Katie Barry, Dartmouth Park. 1923.”

Photo #293

Caption: Written on Page: “Sam with Yum-Yum. 1923.”

Research Possibly Samuel Buffett b. 1910. Brother to Thomas Buffett and Annie Buffett.

Photo #294

Caption: Written on Page: “Beckie and Lena. 1925.”

Research: Possibly Lena V. Himelman.

Photo #295

Caption: Written on Page: “Dartmouth Ferry. Notice the busy pier.”

Photo #296

Caption: Written on Page: “Renforth, N. B.”

Research: Renforth, New Brunswick.

Photo #297

Caption: Written on Page: “St. Louis, Mo., USA. Esther Hoge & Friends.”

Research: Possibly Esther R. Hoge b. 1910, in St. Louis, Missouri.

Photo #298

Caption: Written on Page: “St. Louis, Mo., USA. Esther & Sister.”

Research: Possibly Esther R. Hoge (as in Photo #297).

Photo #299

Caption: Written on Page: “Esther Hoge. “Nothing stronger than water.” “

Research: Photos 297 and 298.

Photo #300

Caption: Written on Page: “Esther and her sister. Camp rig.”

Research: Esther R. Hoge.

Photo #301

Looks to be an article from a paper.

Research: Mention of Esther Hoge in the article.

Photo #302

Caption: Written on Page: “Dartmouth Park. Park Avenue.”

Photo #303

Caption: Written on Page: ” “Common”. Dartmouth Park.”

Photo #304

Caption: Written on Page: “Edith and Aunt Hattie.”

Photo #305

Caption: Written on Page: “Jan. 1926.”

Photo #306

Caption: Written on Page: “Red Deer Snow Shoe Patrol. (All better Dears than Deer.)”

Photo #307

Caption: Written on Page: “Snow Banks. Citadel. Halifax. 1926.”

Photo #308

Caption: Written on Page: “Tom – on Snow-Shoes. 1926.”

Research: Thomas Buffett.

Photo #309

Caption: Written on Page: “Lena. 1925.”

Photo #310

Caption: Written on Page: “Dr. John Munroe.”

Research: A big thank you to Joyce Munro for providing the following information: “The final photo is John Matthew Munro, b1884 Rose Blanche, Newfoundland; d1946 Odessa, Ontario. John was a cousin of Samuel & Thomas Buffett. His mother, Keziah Eastman, was Hannah Eastman’s sister who married Benjamin Buffett. I was hoping to narrow down the date of the photo but he was moving around just after the turn of the century. He went o Glasgow Bible Institute for 2 years, then went to London where he departed for Shanghai. “