Photo Album #22 – Bowes/Mounce

This is technically not a photo album, however, there are over 75 photos in the book, so I decided this would be the best place for it. I will post photos of each of the pages of the book, in the order they appear in the book. At the end of the book I have enlarged the photos so they will be displayed individually. I am experimenting with a new app that enhances photos by sharpening them, and at times filling in missing details. Sometimes it works very well, and other times not as well, but on the whole, I think the app is a great benefit in providing a better picture.

I also have a diary that belonged to Ella (Luther) (Bowes) Mounce that dates from about 1988 to 1995. It is the type of diary that has five years on one page.

I also have correspondence sent/received by George R. Mounce. I will be posting these at a later date.

Photo #1

Research: George Ralph Mounce b. June 3, 1916. His parents were Ralph B. Mounce and E. Elgey Bowes. There is a page with presents for the baby, and for Mildred Forbes, it says “baby book” (Photo #11). Haven’t made a connection of Mildred Forbes to the Bowes/Mounce family yet.

There are articles on the Mounce family on line that are very interesting to read!

Photo #2

Photo #3

Photo #4

Photo #5

Research: His mother would be E. Elgey (Bowes) Mounce.

Photo #6

Photo #7

Research: Physician – Possibly Dr. Owen Brown Keddy, son of William A. Keddy and Mary M. (Brown) Keddy.

Nurse: Possibly Louise Hannah Wallace, daughter of William B. Wallace and Mary A. (Nix) Wallace.

Photo #8

Photo #9

Photo #10

Photo #11

Photo #12

Photo #13

Photo #14

Photo #15

Photo #16

Photo #17

Photo #18

Photo #19

Photo #20

Photo #21

Photo #22

Photo #23

At the end of the book, all the photos will be shown individually.

Photo #24

At the end of the book, all the photos will be shown individually.

Photo #25

At the end of the book, all the photos will be shown individually.

Photo #26

At the end of the book, all the photos will be shown individually.

Photo #27

This page apparently has the locks of the hair of Mary Ann Mounce, daughter of George Ralph Mounce and his wife, Anna Isabel MacLeod (Burris).

Photo #28

At the end of the book, all the photos will be shown individually.

Photo #29

At the end of the book, all the photos will be shown individually.

Photo #30

At the end of the book, all the photos will be shown individually.

Photo #31

Photo #32

At the end of the book, all the photos will be shown individually.

Photo #33

At the end of the book, all the photos will be shown individually.

Photo #34

At the end of the book, all the photos will be shown individually.

Photo #35

Photo #36

Photo #37

Photo #38

Photo #39

Photo #40

Photo #41

Photo #42

Photo #43

Photo #44

Photo #45

Research: Frances Westbrook – I believe her to be Frances Mary Westbrooke (also known as Maud Frances Mary Westbrook) from Halifax. Daughter of Hugh H. Westbrooke and Olive (Clint) Westbrooke.

Edwin Otis Wack – I believe him to be the son of Otis Wack and Bessie W. (Manee) Wack.

Aileen Church – I believe her to be the same as Eileen A. Church, daughter of Edwin D. Church and Arabelle K. (Wallace) Church. Arabelle is the sister of nurse Louise H. Wallace.

Photo #46

Photo #47

Photo #48

Photo #49

Photo #50

Photo #51

Photo #52

Photo #53

Photo #54

Research: I believe it is Hannah S. Morris, daughter of George S. Morris and Mabel A. (Kehoe) Morris, that he is referring to in the letter. Mabel A. (Kehoe) Morris died in 1921.

Photo #55

Photo #56

Photo #57

Photo #58

Photo #59

Back of the book. There was an announcement card in the book.

Photo #60

Individual pictures from the previous pages.

Research: George Ralph Mounce, 1916.

Photo #61

Research: E. Elgey (Bowes) Mounce with George R. Mounce, 1916.

Photo #62

Research: E. Elgey (Bowes) Mounce with George R. Mounce, 1916.

Photo #63

Research: George R. Mounce, 1916.

Photo #64

Research: George R. Mounce and probably either his mother or nurse Louise H. Wallace.

Photo #65

Research: George R. Mounce and nurse Louise H. Wallace.

Photo #66

Research: George R. Mounce and probably his mother or nurse Louise H. Wallace.

Photo #67

Research: George R. Mounce and probably nurse Louise H. Wallace.

Photo #68

Research: George Ralph Mounce with his father, Ralph Brecken Mounce.

Photo #69

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #70

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #71

Research: George R. Mounce, and looks to be either his mother or nurse Louise H. Wallace.

Photo #72

Research: George R. Mounce and his aunt, Hilda Martha Bowes, his mother’s sister.

Photo #73

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #74

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #75

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #76

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #77

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #78

Research: George R. Mounce, and his mother, E. Elgey (Bowes) Mounce.

Photo #79

Research: George R. Mounce and possibly his grandmother Mary Ann Minnie (Dodson) Bowes.

Photo #80

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #81

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #82

Research: George R. Mounce, Ralph B. Mounce and Frederick C. Bowes.

Photo #83

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #84

Research: George R. Mounce and his aunt, Hilda Martha Bowes, his mother’s sister.

Photo #85

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #86

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #87

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #88

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #89

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #90

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #91

George R. Mounce and grandmother Mary Ann M. (Dodson) Bowes.

Photo #92

Research: George R. Mounce and his father, Ralph B. Mounce.

Photo #93

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #94

George R. Mounce and his father, Ralph B. Mounce.

Photo #95

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #96

Research: Edwin Otis Wack, son of Otis Wack and Bessie Weir (Manee) Wack.

Possibly Phillip Carman Withrow, son of William I. Withrow and Mabel Rose (Dexter) Withrow.

George R. Mounce.

Possibly Eileen A. Church, daughter of Edwin D. Church, and Arabelle K. (Wallace) Church.

Photo #97

Research: Looks to be George R. Mounce, second from the left.

Photo #98

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #99

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #100

Research: George R. Mounce and his aunt Hilda Martha Bowes, his mother’s sister.

Photo #101

Research: George R. Mounce and possibly Frances Westbrook, daughter of Hugh H. Westbrooke and Olive (Clint) Westbrooke.

Photo #102

Research: George R. Mounce and Frances Westbrook. As per Photo #101.

Photo #103

Research: George R. Mounce and his father, Ralph B. Mounce.

Photo #104

Research: George R. Mounce and his father, Ralph B. Mounce.

Photo #105

Research: George R. Mounce and his friend, Edwin Otis Wack.

Photo #106

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #107

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #108

Research: George R. Mounce and most likely his cousins, Frederick C. Bowes and Gerald C. Bowes.

Photo #109

Research: George R. Mounce, and possibly his cousin, Frederick C. Bowes.

Photo 110

Research: George R. Mounce, and his friend Edwin O. Wack.

Photo #111

Research: George R. Mounce and his friend Edwin O. Wack.

Photo #112

Research: George R. Mounce and Gordon. Probably George’s cousin Walter “Gordon” Bowes.

Photo #113

Research: George R. Mounce and his mother, E. Elgey (Bowes) Mounce.

Photo #114

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #115

Research: George R. Mounce and Greta. There is mention of a Greta Withrow in Photo #16. In Photo#96 there is a Philip Withrow pictured with George R. Mounce. Greta Withrow is his sister.

Photo #116

Research: George R. Mounce and his father, Ralph B. Mounce.

Photo #117

Research: George R. Mounce and his grandmother, Mary Ann M. (Dodson) Bowes.

Photo #118

Research: George R. Mounce and probably his cousin, Frederick C. Bowes.

Photo #119

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #120

Research: George R. Mounce and Viva. I believe this to be Viva Withrow, a sister of Philip Withrow and Greta Withrow, mentioned in previous pictures.

Photo #121

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #122

Research: George R. Mounce and probably his cousins Frederick C. Bowes and Gerald C. Bowes.

Photo #123

Research: George R. Mounce and probably his cousins Frederick C. Bowes and Gerald C. Bowes.

Photo #124

Research: A photo of George R. Mounce’s father, Ralph B. Mounce.

Photo #125

Research: George R. Mounce. I believe this is the house on King Street, in Windsor, Nova Scotia.

Photo #126

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #127

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #128

Research: George R. Mounce, his mother E. Elgey (Bowes) Mounce; possibly Gertrude Bowes? b. about 1885; Miss Wallace is likely nurse Louise H. Wallace and Aunt Florrie is possibly Florence J. Bowes, b. about 1869.

Photo #129

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #130

Research: George R. Mounce and Gordon. Probably George’s cousin Walter “Gordon” Bowes.

Photo #131

Research: George R. Mounce.

Photo #132

Research: George R. Mounce and his grandmother, Mary Ann M. (Dodson) Bowes.

Photo #133

Research: George R. Mounce and his friend, Hannah S. Morris, daughter of George S. Morris and Mabel Annie (Kehoe) Morris. (See Photo #54).

Photo #134

Research: George R. Mounce, about 1922.

Photo #135

Research: George R. Mounce.