Photo Album #20 – Advocate N.S.

Photo Album #20

Size: Approx. 12″ x 10″ x 2″ # of Photos: 84 in the album; 26 loose photos. Albums in the photo are glued in. No text on any of them, but some images place them in the Advocate Harbour area of Nova Scotia. Photos are shown in the order they appear in the album.

Research: I have again been kindly assisted by Ferne Lunn Oliver, the Administrator of the Facebook group, “Advocate Harbour, NS and Area … Families & History”. Thank you Ferne for your help and support!

Photo #1

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Photo #2

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Photo #3

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Photo #4

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Photo #5

No caption.

Research: Does appear to be looking towards Cape D’or, Cumberland, Nova Scotia.

Research: From Ferne Lunn Oliver: “Advocate Harbour with the harbour Lighthouse and in the background Cape D’Or.”

Photo #6

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Photo #7

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Photo #8

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Photo #9

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Photo #10

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Photo #11

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Photo #12

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Photo #13

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Photo #14

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Photo #15

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Photo #16

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Photo #17

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Photo #18

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Photo #19

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Photo #20

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Photo #21

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Photo #22

No caption.

Research: From Ferne Lunn Oliver: “Ernie Morris did some research and with help from his friend feel that this is the lighthouse at Three Top Island, Guys. Co., NS.”

Photo #23

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Photo #24

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Photo #25

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Photo #26

No caption.

Research: From Ferne Lunn Oliver: “Ernie Morris did some research and with help from his friend also feel that this is the lighthouse at Three Top Island, Guys. Co., N.S.”

Photo #27

No caption.

Research: From Ferne Lunn Oliver: “This looks like it could be at the Three Top Island lighthouse as well.”

Photo #28

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Photo #29

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Photo #30

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Photo #31

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Photo #32

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Photo #33

No caption.

Research: From Ferne Lunn Oliver: This looks like the Lorne & Lizzie Morris home in Advocate, later owned by their son Sid & Gussie Morris, teachers at Advocate schools. Across the road would be the Stuart Morris home.

Photo #34

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Photo #35

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Photo #36

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Photo #37

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Photo #38

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Photo #39

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Photo #40

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Photo #41

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Photo #42

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Photo #43

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Photo #44

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Photo #45

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Photo #46

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Photo #47

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Photo #48

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Photo #49

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Photo #50

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Photo #51

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Photo #52

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Photo #53

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Photo #54

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Photo #55

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Photo #56

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Photo #57

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Photo #58

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Photo #59

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Photo #60

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Photo #61

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Photo #62

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Photo #63

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Photo #64

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Photo #65

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Photo #66

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Photo #67

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Photo #68

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Photo #69

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Photo #70

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Photo #71

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Research: From Ferne Lunn Oliver: “The Advocate Harbour wharf with the iron bridge in the background, looking east.”

Photo #72

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Photo #73

No caption.

Research: From Ferne Lunn Oliver: “At the Red Rocks, West Advocate.”

Photo #74

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Photo #75

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Photo #76

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Photo #77

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Photo #78

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Photo #79

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Photo #80

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Photo #81

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Photo #82

No caption.

Research: I was able to peel the photo slightly off the paper and it showed a photo finishing place from Kitchener, Ontario.

Photo #83

No caption.

Photo #84

No caption.

This is a photo of the back of the photo album. I have put it in to indicate the end of the album and the start of some loose photos. The loose photos were obtained separately, but were bought at the same time from the same seller, when I acquired Photo Albums #18, 19 and 20. There is the assumption that all items were from the area of Advocate, Cumberland, Nova Scotia.

Photo #1a

No caption.

Photo #2a

Caption: Written on the back: “Part of the gallery where ice is conveyed along to the houses.”

Photo #3a

Caption: Written on front: “1946”; Written on back; “This is a flat that I let for a man last summer. August, 1946.”

Photo #4a

No caption.

Photo #5a

Caption: Written on front: “1947”

Photo #6a

No caption.

Photo #7a

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Photo #8a

No caption.

Photo #9a

Caption: Written on the front: “1945”

Photo #10a

No caption.

Photo #11a

No caption.

Photo #12a

Caption: Written on the front: “1937”

Photo #13a

Caption: Written on the front: “1947”

Photo #14a

Caption: Written on front: “1944”

Photo #15a

Caption: Written on front: “1947”

Photo #16a

Caption: Written on the front: “1947”

Photo #17a

Caption: Written on front: “1947”

Photo #18a

No caption.

Photo #19a

Caption: Written on front: “1947”

Photo #20a

Caption: Written on front: “1947”

Photo #21a

No caption.

Photo #22a

Caption: Written on front: “1937”

Photo #23a

Caption: Written on front: “1947”

Photo #24a

Caption: Written on front: “1939”

Photo #25a

No caption.

Photo #26a

Caption: Written on back: “Dec. 1946”