Photo Album #14 Hatfield/Fletcher

Measures: Approx. 12 1/2″ x 10 1/4″

Number of Photos: 119 – Glued in, or in corner tabs. Photos are listed in the order they appear in the album.

I bought this album off the internet a number of years ago. I was told it came from the estate of Robert Hatfield who lived in the Parrsboro area, however, I believe the photos pertain more to the Gordon Byron Hatfield and Mabel Josephine (Fletcher) Hatfield family.

Photo #1

Research: Greville Harbor, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia.

From the Age of Sail Heritage Museum, Port Greville (in reference to a different picture they have): “The Elderkin Shipyard transported log rafts to Boston and New York. This raft held over 7000 timbers!”

Photo #2

Research: Port Greville, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #3

Research: Fox River, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #4

No caption.

Photo #5

No caption.

Photo #6

No caption.

Research: Found a private postcard, on-line, with this same scene. It was labelled as Port Greville, dated 1905.

Photo #7

Research: Bass River, Colchester County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #8

Research: Although there is no caption, I know this would be Bass River, Colchester County, Nova Scotia. I have been there many times and the building on the bottom right would belong to the Bass River Dominion Chair Company.

Photo #9

Research: Apple River, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #10

Research: Parrsboro, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #11

Research: Apple River, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #12

Research: Parrsboro, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #13

Research: Port Greville, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #14

Research: Cape Split, Kings County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #15

Research: Apple River, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #16

No caption.

Photo #17

No caption.

Photo #18

Caption: Written on back “Bona”

Research: I believe this is Constance Bona Hatfield b. May 27, 1909 in Port Greville, Cumberland, Nova Scotia. She was the daughter of Gordon Byron Hatfield (1882 – 1967) and Mabel Josephine (Fletcher) Hatfield (1882 – 1968).

Photo #19

No caption.

Photo #20

No caption.

Photo #21

No caption.

Photo #22

No caption.

Photo #23

No caption.

Research: The woman on the right looks to be Georgie Alberta Lent (1889 – ), who is in Photo Album #9 (Fletcher/Lent). She was married to Vaughn Walden Elderkin of Port Greville, Cumberland, Nova Scotia.

Photo #24

No caption.

Photo #25

No caption.

Photo #26

No caption.

Photo #27

No caption.

Research: Individual on the left looks to be Georgie Alberta (Lent) Elderkin. Is the individual on the right her husband, Vaughn Walden Elderkin? He is also in Photo Album #9.

Photo #28

No caption.

Research: Looks to be Georgie Alberta (Lent) Elderkin.

Photo #29

No caption.

Research: Is this Vaughn Walden Elderkin?

Photo #30

No caption.

Photo #31

Caption: Written on the back: “Love from Georgie”. I believe this would be Georgie A. (Lent) Elderkin (second from the right).

Photo #32

No caption.

Photo #33

No caption.

Photo #34

No caption.

Photo #35

No caption.

Photo #36

No caption.

Research: There a number of photos of this house. It does have a sign on the front and in another photo the sign can be read. The following was found on the internet: “Items for sale “from Gordon (Gordie) Hatfield, late of Parrsboro, former owner of the Hatfield Poulty Farm in Truro & later the “Sunny Home” Guest House in Parrsboro”. This would appear to be the guest house in Parrsboro.

Photo #37

No caption.

Research: See Photo #36.

Photo #38

No caption.

Research: See Photo #36. In this photo the sign at the front of the house says, “Sunny Home Welcome”.

Photo #39

No caption.

Research: See Photo #36.

Photo #40

No caption.

Research: See Photo #36.

Photo #41

No caption.

Research: See Photo #36.

Photo #42

No caption.

Research: See Photo #36.

Photo #43

No caption.

Research: See Photo #36.

Photo #44

No caption.

Photo #45

No caption.

Photo #46

No caption.

Photo #47

No caption.

Photo #48

No caption.

Photo #49

Caption: Written on the back: “8 1/2 months. This would have been the cutest one of all, but she turned as Gord snapped it.”

Research: Gordon Byron Hatfield and Mabel Josephine (Fletcher) Lent had three children: Eveyln Josephine Hatfield (1907 – 1975; Constance Bona Hatfield (1909 – ); and Gordon Fletcher Hatfield (1918 – 2009).

Photo #50

No caption.

Photo #51

Caption: Written on the back: ” 8 1/2 months”

Photo #52

Caption: Written on the back: “8 1/2 months. I like this the best. Doesn’t it look exactly like her?”

Photo #53

No caption.

Photo #54

No caption.

Photo #55

No caption.

Photo #56

No caption.

Research: Looks to be Georgie Alberta (Lent) Elderkin and possibly Vaughn Walden Elderkin.

Photo #57

No caption:

Research: Looks to be Georgie Alberta (Lent) Elderkin, second from the right.

Photo #58

No caption.

Photo #59

No caption.

Photo #60

Research: Spencer’s Island, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #61

Research: Great Village, Colchester County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #62

Research: Great Village, Colchester County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #63

No caption.

Photo #64

No caption.

Photo #65

No caption. Most photos are glued in, some are in corner tabs. This one is glued in but by lifting part of it up I could see it is an unused photo postcard.

Photo #66

No caption.

Photo #67

No caption.

Photo #68

No caption.

Photo #69

No caption.

Photo #70

No caption.

Photo #71

No caption.

Photo #72

No caption.

Photo #73

No caption.

Photo #74

No caption.

Photo #75

No caption.

Photo #76

No caption.

Photo #77

No caption.

Photo #78

No caption.

Photo #79

No caption.

Photo #80

No caption.

Photo #81

No caption.

Photo #82

No caption.

Photo #83

Research: This is a partial photo postcard. It was glued in but I was able to safely remove it. It is addressed to Mr. Cecil Fletcher, Port Greville, Cumberland County, N.S. The postmark date is January 17, 1916. It was mailed within Canada and went through Amherst, Cumberland County, N.S.

There is a Cecil John Fletcher married to Florence Marion Lent, sister of Georgie Alberta (Lent) Elderkin.

Photo #84

No caption.

Research: The mailbox has the names David S. Clark and ___rey H. Clark on it.

Research: Looks to be Georgie Alberta (Lent) Elderkin.

Photo #85

No caption.

Research: Looks to be Georgie Alberta (Lent) Elderkin on the left.

Photo #86

Caption at bottom of photo: “We Three D______” (?)

Research: Looks to be Georgie Alberta (Lent) Elderkin on the right.

Photo #87

No caption.

Photo #88

No caption.

Photo #89

No caption

Research: Received from Dan Aris: “I am almost certain that photo #89 was taken on the 2nd floor of the Grandview Hotel, with the camera facing East. The pillars, decorative scroll, rails, and the hill in the background all match.

The Grandview is no longer, but below is a link to an image of it from the NS Archives.”

Photo #90

No caption.

Although it is glued in, I can see that it is an unused photo postcard.

Photo #91

No caption.

Photo #92

No caption.

Photo #93

No caption.

Photo #94

No caption.

Photo #95

No caption.

Photo #96

No caption.

Photo #97

No caption.

Photo #98

No caption.

Photo #99

No caption.

Photo #100

No caption.

Photo #101

No caption.

Photo #102

No caption.

Unused photo postcard.

Photo #103

No caption.

Unused photo postcard.

Photo #104

No caption.

Unused photo postcard.

Photo #105

Caption: (This photo was glued in and when removing it some of the backing stuck to the photo so not all of the writing is visible. I took a guess at some of the letters in a few of the words.) Written on the back: “The big boat is Uncle Otto’s. The motor boat “Margaret” at entrance to Port Greville Harbor Oct 31, 1936.”

Photo #106

Caption written on the back: “Schooner “Albert H. Willis” at Port Greville break-water Nov 1936. Sailed by Capt. Thomas Antle”

Photo #107

No caption.

Mailbox says G. F. Hatfield.

Research: Good possibility it is Gordon Fletcher Hatfield, son of Gordon Byron Hatfield and Mabel Josephine (Fletcher) Hatfield.

Photo #108

No caption.

Photo #109

No caption.

Photo #110

No caption.

Photo #111

No caption.

Photo #112

Caption: Written on the back: “Shirley getting ready to feed the chickens. She’s stooping over a bucket of chicken scratch”

Research: Not sure who Shirley is.

Photo #113

Caption: Written on the back: “Still a pup, but certainly showing signs of beauty.”

Photo #114

Caption: Written on the back “Earlier in the fall. Mum hates this snap. It doesn’t look like her as sun was in her eyes. Taken at the backside of the house.”

Photo #115

No caption.

Photo #116

No caption.

Photo #117

No caption.

Photo #118

No caption.

Photo #119

Loose photo on cardboard with the album.

Caption: Written on the back: “Gordon Hatfield (left) Ray Hatfield (right)

Ma’s brother”

Research: There is a Raymond Francis Hatfield b. March 14, 1881 in Port Greville. He had two sisters: Bernice Lake Hatfield (1879 – 1963) and Blanche Evelyn Hatfield (1884 – ).

Photo #120

There were a number of receipts with the photo album so thought I would include a couple of pictures of some of them as they show early Nova Scotia companies in business.

Photo #121

As in Photo #120.