Photo Album #10(Truro N.S)

Photo Album #10 – Truro, N.S.
Measurments: Pages are approximately 9 3/4″ x 7″.
# of Photos: 98. All glued in except for one.
Photos are shown in the order they appear in the album.

This photo album has no cover so I have just used the first photo in the album to accompany this text. The pages are all loose. It is still stored in its original shipping envelope. I obtained it a long time ago – 2003. It was shipped from Cape Porpoise, Maine, USA.
A big thank you to those who helped research this album, particularly S. Kobs, Harold Stewart, and Linda and Alec Duncan.
I always called it the “Truro” album, and I’m still not sure who the owner was. I am pretty sure though that they were related to the Parker family. There are two siblings, Kenneth and Marion Parker, in the album. I was able to find family trees on them. Upon expanding the research on the Parker family, these two individuals had family that matched a lot of the clues in the album. They had an Aunt that was born on Paddy Island; they had the surname Rand as part of the family tree; they were from Kings county; and they had a relative born in Iowa. It would be nice to narrow down who the owner of the album was though. Perhaps that can now be done!

Photo #1
Caption: Printed on the page: “Muriel Johnson””Truro, N.S. 1919”

Research: The background looks to be Victoria Falls, Victoria Park, Truro, Nova Scotia.
Research: There is a Muriel Wilena Johnson born July 13, 1903 in Truro.

Photo #2
Caption: Printed on the page: “Victoria Falls””Truro, N.S. 1919”

Research: Victoria Falls is in Victoria Park, Truro, Nova Scotia.
I received help from S. Kobs regarding this photo album. He used Family Search’s Compare-A-Face and was able to help in a number of photos. For this photo the individual on the left was 100% identified as Elsie Corbett.

Photo #3
Caption: Printed on the page: “Elsie Corbett” “Truro, N.S. 1919”

Research: There was an Elsie Corbett from Five Islands, Colchester, Nova Scotia. Born in 1899.
I also received help from Harold Stewart who recently retired from volunteering at the Little White School House Museum, located in Truro, Colchester, Nova Scotia. He sent the following information: “Elsie Corbett of Five Islands, Colchester Co., NS,  (PNC Student #60 “B”), seems to have boarded with Mrs. Crowe on Arlington Place, Truro, for the first part of the year 1918-19, and then switched and finished the year boarding with Mrs. J.K.Johnson on Queen St., Truro.”

Photo #4
Caption: Printed on the page: “Isabel Phillips””Truro, N.S. 1919”

Research: There is an Isabel Phillips living in Truro in the 1921 census, at 216 Queen Street. She is listed as being 23 years of age, born in 1898.

Photo #5
Caption: Printed on the page: “P.N.C. 1919 “B” “”Truro, N.S. 1919”

Research: P. N. C. would stand for the Provincial Normal College which now houses Truro’s Library in the main building, and the Colchester Historeum in another building (both places are awesome!).
I received help from S. Kobs regarding this photo album. He used Family Search’s Compare-A-Face and was able to help in a number of photos. For this photo the individual standing on the left was identified 71% as possibly being Elsie Corbett.
The woman with her arm raised has a 75% probability as being the same woman in photo #48, and in the center of photo #49.

Photo #6
Caption: Printed on the page: “B. R. J! “
Location unknown.

Research: The background looks to be the same as photo #3, which is in Truro, N.S. Unsure of the individual.
I received help from S. Kobs regarding this photo album. He used Family Search’s Compare-A-Face and was able to help in a number of photos that were in a school yearbook. For this photo the individual has a 94% chance she is in photo #11, seated on the left.
83% possibility she is in Photo #17 standing in second row, fourth in with a white blouse and dark tie, holding a book.
100% identification she is the woman in Photo #49 back row, against the door, on the right.
I also received help from Harold Stewart who recently retired from volunteering at the Little White School House Museum, located in Truro, Colchester, Nova Scotia. He sent the following information: “Photo #6 – Only one 1918-19 student at PNC had the initials B.R.J.;  that was Bertha Ruth Jackson, student #82 “B”,  whose home was in Port Williams, Kings County, about 5 km from Acadia University and about 15 km from Medford, Kings County.  While at PNC, she boarded with Mrs. J.A.K. Johnston on Queen Street.”

Photo #7
No caption.
Location unknown.

Research: Good chance it is Victoria Park, Truro, Nova Scotia.

Photo #8
No caption.
Location unknown.

Research: Good chance it is Victoria Park in Truro, N.S.

Photo #9
Caption: Printed on the paper: “Feeding Time ’19 Picnic”
Location unknown.

Photo #10
Caption: Printed on the page: “Prof. Aller & “B” Class Truro 1919″

Research: I received help from Harold Stewart who recently retired from volunteering at the Little White School House Museum, located in Truro, Colchester, Nova Scotia. He sent the following information: “Photo #10 – I believe that “Prof. Aller”  was really “Prof. Allen”, who taught at PNC in 1918-19.  Under his picture it says “E.C. Allen”;  I think that he was called “Chesley Alllen” and that he taught Science, but I am not sure of that.”

Photo #11
Caption: Printed on the page: “Truro”

Research: Photos #11, 12, & 13 appear to be similar so I feel they were all taken in Truro, in 1919.

Photo #12
Caption: Printed on the page: “1919”

Research: Photos #11, 12, & 13 appear to be similar so I feel they were all taken in Truro, in 1919.

Photo #13
Caption: Printed on the page: “N.S.”

Research: Photos #11, 12, & 13 appear to be similar so I feel they were all taken in Truro, in 1919.

Photo #14
Caption: Printed on the page: “Bible Hill School 1920 Primary”

Research: Bible Hill is a community adjacent to Truro, in Colchester County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #15
Caption: Printed on the page: “Bible Hill School 1920 Advanced”
Research: As in photo #14.

Photo #16
Caption: Printed on the page: “Mrs. Phillips”
Location unknown.

Research: Perhaps Isabel Phillips mother?
I also received help from Harold Stewart who recently retired from volunteering at the Little White School House Museum, located in Truro, Colchester, Nova Scotia. He sent the following information: “Photo #16 – You had a note saying that Phillips lived at 216 Queen St. in the 1921 Census.  I went there to see if any of the buildings resembled those in the pictures, but in the last hundred years the houses there were torn down and Blaikie’s car dealership and parking lot is there now.”

Photo #17
Caption: Printed on the page: “P.N.C. ’19 “B’ Class”

Research: Provincial Normal College in Truro, Nova Scotia.
I received help from S. Kobs regarding this photo album. Possibly Elsie Corbet, third from the left, in the dark dress.
Possibly F. E. Greig (92% probability) seated 5th from the left leaning into the girl next to her.

Photo #18
Caption: Printed on the page: “Miss Phillips”
Location unknown.

Research: I received help from S. Kobs regarding this photo album. He used Family Search’s Compare-A-Face and was able to help in a number of photos. For this photo the individual was 100% identified as Isabel Phillips (individual in Photo #4).

Photo #19
Caption: Printed on the page: “Kenneth Parker”
Location unknown.

Research: Kenneth Lorne Parker, born July 21, 1919, in Medford, Kings, Nova Scotia. Parents were Lorne Sutherland Parker (1879 – 1960) and Alice Marion Wood (1890 – 1972).

Photo #20
Caption: Printed on the page: “Marion Parker”
Location unknown.

Research: Marion Eloise Parker, sibling to Kenneth Lorne Parker. She was born July 29, 1917 in Medford, Kings, Nova Scotia.

Photo #21
Caption: Printed on the page: “Marion”
Location unknown.

Research: Marion Eloise Parker (1917 – 1990).

Page 22
Caption: Printed on the page: “Kenneth & Marion”
Location unknown.

Research: Kenneth Lorne Parker (1919 – 2009) and his sister Marion Eloise Parker (1917 – 1990).

Photo #23
Caption: Printed on the page: “The Paddy’s Island House”

Research: There is a Paddy’s Island in Nova Scotia. It is located near Medford, Kings County. Kenneth and Marion’s Aunt, Ina Caroline Parker, was born on Paddy’s Island in 1884.

Photo #24
Caption: Printed on the page: “May 24th, ’21″”We all went trout fishing on the 24th of May, Woodside.”

Research: There is a community called Woodside in Halifax County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #25
Caption: Printed on the page: “May 24th, ’21″”We all went trout fishing on the 24th of May, Woodside.”

Research: There is a community called Woodside in Halifax County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #26
Caption: Printed on the page: “May 24th, ’21″”We all went trout fishing on the 24th of May, Woodside.”

Research: There is a community called Woodside in Halifax County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #27
Caption: Printed on the page: “May 24th, ’21″”We all went trout fishing on the 24th of May, Woodside.”

Research: There is a community called Woodside in Halifax County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #28
Caption: Printed on the page: “May 24th, ’21″”We all went trout fishing on the 24th of May, Woodside.”

Research: There is a community called Woodside in Halifax County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #29
Caption: Printed on the page: “May 24th, ’21″”We all went trout fishing on the 24th of May, Woodside.”

Research: There is a community called Woodside in Halifax County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #30
Caption: Printed on the page: “Elsie & I” Truro, ’19”

Photo #31
Caption: Printed on the page: “Cousins John & I” Victoria Park, Truro, ’19”

Research: This photo is extremely faded in the album.

Photo #32
Caption: Printed on the page: “Mr. & Mrs. Johnston & Muriel, Beryl Lippsett & I, & the cat. Truro 1919”

Research: This photo is very faded in the album.
The last name is sometimes spelled “Johnson” and “Johnston” in the album. There is a Beryl Lipsett in the 1921 Canadian Census, born in 1896 and living in Stewiacke, Colchester, Nova Scotia. In 1918, there is a Beryl S. Lipsett living in Guysborough County who is a teacher.

Photo #33
No caption.
Location unknown.

Photo #34
No caption.
Location unknown.

Photo #35
No caption.
Location unknown.

Photo 35A No caption. Location unknown.

Photo #36
No caption.
Location unknown.

Research: Perhaps Kenneth Lorne Parker.

Photo #37
No caption.
Location unknown.

Photo #38
No caption.
Location unknown.

Photo #39
Caption: Printed on the page “Bible Hill School 1920”

Research: Bible Hill is a community adjacent to the City of Truro, in Colchester County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #40
Caption: Printed on the page: “Grade VIII, B.H.S.”

Research: B.H.S. stands for Bible Hill School.

Photo #41
Caption: Printed on the page: “Omaha Pork”
Location unknown.

Research: In the 1920’s, Omaha was a major producer of pork, so not sure where this specific plant would have been.

Photo #42
Caption: Printed on the page: “Packing”

Photo #43
Caption: Printed on the page: “Plant”

Photo #44
Caption: Printed on the page: “Pigs Iowa”

Research: Kenneth Lorne Parker and Marion Eloise Parker had an Aunt Winnifred Elizabeth Parker who married Charlies Henry Rich, who was born in Iowa.

Photo #45
Caption: Printed on the page: “Corn on E. E. Harvey’s Farm Iowa”

Photo #46
Caption: Printed on the page: “Corn on E. E. Harvey’s Farm Iowa”

Photo #47
Caption: Printed on the page: “Domestic Science Pupils”
Location unknown.

Research: I received help from Harold Stewart who recently retired from volunteering at the Little White School House Museum, located in Truro, Colchester, Nova Scotia. He sent the following information: “Photo #47 – The Truro School of Household Science was in a school building near PNC and affiliated with PNC.  The picture may be students in that program, although there are no Household Science students from PNC listed in the 1918-19 PNC Register.  I think that at least some PNC students may have had one class per week at the Truro School of Household Science.”

Photo #48
Caption: Printed on the page: ” “Hope” & “Dere Bill” “
Location unknown.

Research: I received help from S. Kobs regarding this photo album. He used Family Search’s Compare-A-Face and was able to help in a number of photos. For this photo the woman is the same as the person (100%) in the center of Photo #49 and is probably related to other women in the photo, far right 84%, second from left 83%. She might be in photo #5 with her left arm raised (75% probability).

Photo #49
Caption: Printed on the page: “Home of Mrs. H. Cock, Walker St., Truro 1920”

Photo #50
Caption: Printed on the page: “Victoria Falls in Victoria Park”

Research: Located in Truro, Colchester County, Nova Scotia.

Photo #51
Caption: Printed on the page: “Truro, N.S.”

Research: Victoria Falls, Victoria Park, Truro, Colchester County, Nova Scotia

Photo #52
Caption: “Provincial Normal College”

Research: This particular building is now the Colchester Historeum. The greenhouses were replaced by an addition to the building. The Colchester Historical Society runs out of this building and they have a terrific section for genealogy research!

Photo #53
Caption: Printed on the page: “John Wallace Halifax”

Research: Thank you to Nancy Veinot for steering me in the right direction!
There are three Wallace siblings in this album: John Harold Wallace; Lavinia Mable Wallace and Grace Darling Wallace.
They are children of Alonzo L. Wallace and Laura Matilda Weir

Photo #54
Caption: Printed on the page: “Lavenia Wallace Halifax”

Research: Thank you to Nancy Veinot for steering me in the right direction!
There are three Wallace siblings in this album: John Harold Wallace; Lavinia Mable Wallace and Grace Darling Wallace. They are children of Alonzo L. Wallace and Laura Matilda Weir.

Photo #55
Caption: Printed on the page: “Muriel Cannon Paddy’s Island”

Photo #56
Caption: Printed on the page: “Berry Pickers at Paddy’s”

Photo #57
Caption: Printed on the page: “B.H.S. Teachers 1920”

Research: Bible Hill School Teachers. Looks like the photo is taken at the Bible Hill School.

Photo #58
Caption: Printed on the page: “Truro, 1920”

Photo #59
Caption: Printed on the page: “Bathing Kenneth”

Research: Looks to be Kenneth Lorne Parker.

Photo #60
Caption: Printed on the page: “M. C.”
Location unknown.

Research: Perhaps Muriel Cannon.

Photo #61
Caption: Printed on the page: “Paddy’s Island”

Photo #62
No caption.
Research: Looks to be Paddy’s Island.

Photo #63
Caption: Printed on the page: “Berry Pickers on the Paddy’s Island Farm”

Photo #64
Caption: Printed on the page: “Paddy’s Island. Medford.”

Photo #65
Caption: Printed on the page: “Emily Baker “C” P.N.C. ’19”

Research: P.N.C. would be the Provincial Normal College in Truro, Colchester, Nova Scotia. There is an Emily Catherine Baker born in 1902 in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.
I received help from Harold Stewart who recently retired from volunteering at the Little White School House Museum, located in Truro, Colchester, Nova Scotia. He sent the following information: “Photo #65 – Emily Catherine Baker (student #192 “C”) from New Cumberland, Lunenburg County, NS, attended PNC in 1918-19;  she boarded with Mrs. J.A.K. Johnston on Queen Street in Truro.”

Photo #66
Caption: Printed on the page: “Grace Wallace D.B.C. ’19”

Research: Thank you to Nancy Veinot for steering me in the right direction!
There are three Wallace siblings in this album: John Harold Wallace; Lavinia Mable Wallace and Grace Darling Wallace. They are children of Alonzo L. Wallace and Laura Matilda Weir.

Photo #67
Caption: Printed on the page: “Winnifred Conroy P.N.C. “B” ’19”

Research: In correspondence with Linda and Alec Duncan they felt this was a photo of “Aunt Winnie”, who would have been Winnifred Elizabeth Conroy married to William Archibald McCabe.
Thank you for your assistance!
I received help from Harold Stewart who recently retired from volunteering at the Little White School House Museum, located in Truro, Colchester, Nova Scotia. He sent the following information: “Photo #67 – Winnifred Elizabeth Conroy (student #59″B”) from Middle Stewiacke, Colchester County, NS, boarded with Mrs. Wm. Totten on Logan St. while attending PNC in 1918-19.”

Photo #68
Caption: Printed on the page: “Gladys Hall P.N.C. “D” ’18”

Research: I received help from Harold Stewart who recently retired from volunteering at the Little White School House Museum, located in Truro, Colchester, Nova Scotia. He sent the following information: “Photo #68 – Gladys Muriel Hall (student #169 “D”) boarded with Mrs. Wm. Atkinson on Arthur Street  while at PNC in 1918-19;  she was from Burlington, Kings  County, NS.”

Photo #69
Caption: Printed on the page: “Edith Jackson P.N.C. “B” ’19”

Research: I received help from Harold Stewart who recently retired from volunteering at the Little White School House Museum, located in Truro, Colchester, Nova Scotia. He sent the following information: “Photo # 69 – Edith Gertrude Jackson from Clarence ,  Annapolis Co., NS, (student #83″B”) boarded with Mrs. Carmichael on Prince St., Truro, while attending PNC in 1918-19.”

Photo #70
Caption: Printed on the page: “J. Wallace Truro 1918”

Research: There are three Wallace siblings in this album: John Harold Wallace; Lavinia Mable Wallace and Grace Darling Wallace. They are children of Alonzo L. Wallace and Laura Matilda Weir.

Photo #71
Caption: Printed on the page: “Lavenia Wallace” “Elsie Corbett P.N.C. “B” 1919″

Research: There are three Wallace siblings in this album: John Harold Wallace; Lavinia Mable Wallace and Grace Darling Wallace. They are children of Alonzo L. Wallace and Laura Matilda Weir.

Photo #72
Caption: Printed on the page: “Florence Neiforth P.N.C. “D” ’18”

Research: There is also a Florence Ada Neiforth born May 7, 1895 and residing in Kings County in 1901. I received help from Harold Stewart who recently retired from volunteering at the Little White School House Museum, located in Truro, Colchester, Nova Scotia. He sent the following information: “Photo #72 – Florence Ada Nieforth,  North Alton, Kings Co., NS, (PNC student #176″D”) boarded with Mrs. J.K. Johnston on Queen St. while at PNC in 1918-19.”

Photo #73
Caption: Printed on the page: “Florie & I”

Research: The person on the right looks to be Florence Neiforth from the previous photo (#72). The other person would then be the owner of the album! But what is their name?

Photo #74
Caption: Printed on the page: “Mr. Johnston”

Photo #75
No caption.
Location unknown.

Photo #76
No caption.
Location unknown.

Photo #77
Caption: Printed on the page: “Pte. A. W. Daniels, Aldershot, Kings Co. N.S.”

Photo #78
Caption: Printed on the page: “E. E. Harvey. Iowa.

Research: He is also mentioned in previous photos.

Photo #79
Caption: Printed on the page: “Guess Who?”
Location unknown.

Research: This photo is very blurry.

Photo #80
Caption: Printed on the page: “Grandma, Aunt Ella & Jennie, Shuben-die N.S.”

Research: Would be Shubenacadie, Hants, Nova Scotia.

Photo #81
Caption: Printed on the page: “Venie”
Location unknown.

Photo #82
Caption: Printed on the page: ” “Acadia” Wolfville, N.S. “

Research: Acadia University in Wolfville, Kings, Nova Scotia.

Photo #83
Caption: Printed on the page: “Venie & Edith Cummings”
Location unknown.

Research: There is an Edith Cummings in the 1921 Canadian census. She is listed as being born in 1900, and is residing in Halifax, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Photo #84
Caption: Printed on the page: “The same old Bunch”
Location unknown.

Photo #85
Caption: Printed on the page: ” “Florie” “Ruth” “
Location unknown.

Research: Perhaps Florence Neiforth on the left as she looks like the same person in the photo marked Florence Neiforth (Photo #72).

Photo #86
No caption.
Location unknown.

Photo #87
No caption.
Location unknown.

Photo #88
No caption.
Location unknown.

Photo #89
Caption: Printed on the page: “Winter 1910. Mr. B. Rands.”
Location unknown.

Research: Kenneth Lorne Parker and Marion Eloise Parker had two great uncles marry women with the last name Rand. Edwin Parker (1833 – ?) m. Mary Rand (1833 – 1871).Albert Parker (1834 – 1916) m. Hannah Rand (1842 – 1909).

Photo #90
Caption: Printed on the page: “Truro ’19 Mrs. Johnson & I”

Photo #91
Caption: Printed on the page: “Canard “B” 1917 “

Research: “Canard is a rural community occupying a ridge to the north of the Canard River between the Canard and Habitant Rivers in Kings County in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia.”(Source: Wikipedia)

Photo #92
Caption: Printed on the page: “Starr’s Point Moonlight”

Research: “Starr’s Point is a community in the the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, located in Kings County two miles (3 km) west of Port Williams. Starr’s Point faces the Minas Basin to the east and separates the mouths of the Cornwallis River and the Canard River.”(Source: Wikipedia)

Photo #93
Caption: Printed on the page: “Victoria Falls, Truro Beryl”

Research: Beryl could be the person referred to in Photo #32, Beryl Lippsett. Information on her with that photo.
I received help from Harold Stewart who recently retired from volunteering at the Little White School House Museum, located in Truro, Colchester, Nova Scotia. He sent the following information: “Photo #93 – Beryl Sophia Lipsett of Guysboro, Guysboro Co., NS, (Student #30 “A”) boarded with Mrs J.A.K. Johnston on Queen Street while at PNC in 1918-19.”

Photo #94
Caption: Printed on the page: “Picnic, Victoria Park, Truro, N.S.”

Photo #95
Caption: Printed on the page: “Near Victoria Falls, Truro”

Photo #96
No caption.
Location unknown.

Photo #97
No caption.
Location unknown.

Photo #98
No caption.
Location unknown.

Research: Only loose photo in the album, appears to have never been glued in.