Family Bible #1 – Robert H. Gray and Mary Jane “Minnie” Wilson
This Bible was obtained at an estate sale, in Nova Scotia, with the surname of Oliver.
Research: Stanley Fraser Oliver (1892 – 1963) m. Isabella M. Gray (1894 – 1971), who was a first cousin to Robert Henderson Gray (1880 – 1957).
Front Cover

Presentation Page
“Presented to Minnie J. Gray by Robert H. Gray, Jan. 1st, 1911, Thorburn, N.S.”
Research: Thorburn is located in Pictou County, N.S. Robert Henderson Gray was born January 20, 1880 in Westville, Pictou, Nova Scotia. Mary Jane “Minnie” Wilson was born March 31, 1882 in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.

Family Register – Parents’ Names
“Husband, Robert Gray, Born January 20th 1880. Wife, Minnie J. Wilson, Born Dec 6th 1882Married, November 12th 1902 at Port Hood N.”
This information can be found on the site “Nova Scotia Historical Vital Statistics”, under marriages, and their names.
Unfortunately the page is ripped, and a portion is missing.

Children’s Names
“James William Gray Born at Port Hood Sep. 16th 1903 Robert Nelson Gray Born at Inverness Feb. 25th 1905 William Wilson Gray Born at Inverness Sep. 2nd 1907 Alvin Ferguson Gray (Born at) Thorburn March 24th 1909”

“Robert Nelson Gray married Helene Ryan in New Glasgow NS July 18 1925. William Wilson Gray married Jean Balfour in Boston Mass Sep 18 1936. Alvin F. Gray married Phyllis I. Lorimer at Halifax 20th Feb. 1960 at Halifax by Rev. Ross Robbins Oxford St United Church??? Gruy Alun?Furgson Gruy? “
Research: Robert Nelson Gray’s marriage can be found on Nova Scotia Historical Vital Statistics.
William Wilson Gray’s marriage, I cannot find on Nova Scotia Historical Vital Statistics.
Alvin Gray’s marriage to Phyllis Lorimer, I also cannot find. It does have him previously married though in the Nova Scotia Historical Vital Statistics. He is married to a Margaret Verna Cameron on September 27, 1944 in Pictou County.
Looks like a child’s writing after the entry for Alvin Gray.

“James William Died May 9th 1905 at Inverness. Buried at Strathlorne N.S. Robert H. Gray Died December 19th 1957. Buried Dec 23rd 1957”
Research: Could not find death certificate for James William Gray on Nova Scotia Historical Vital Statistics.
Death Certificate for Robert Henderson Gray found on Nova Scotia Historical Vital Statistics. States that he was born in Westville, Pictou, NS., and died in Riverton, Pictou, NS. His wife Minnie is still alive when he passes away.