Sharing over 20 years worth of Nova Scotia genealogy items. Lots more items to add, so please check back on a regular basis. Contents category on the menu has a list of the items on the site. Maybe you will make a “gem” of a find regarding the genealogy of your family!

This site has been set up to share over 20 years worth of material that has been collected regarding Nova Scotia Genealogy. I truly hope there are some “gems” here for other individuals to find when researching their families.

My own family history pertains mostly to Colchester and Cumberland counties, however, the items I have collected are from other parts of Nova Scotia as well.

I would appreciate any help in the identification of any photos that are not already identified, as well as any items where I am unable to identify the individuals or families pertaining to the item. Although I have attempted a light “clean-up” to a vast number of photos, I am stretched for time to give the photos the time they deserve.

If you are contacting me regarding an item please reference the item by how it is listed on the navigation button (such as Photo Albums, or Family Bibles ,or Loose Photos, etc); then reference the specific item (such as Photo Album #1 The Catherine L. Roper Photo Album), and any further identification, (if needed), such as Photo #2 “Grandma”.

If you share the information from this site, I only ask that you reference this site as your source, when sharing that information. (Examples: Photos for family reunions, genealogy sites, etc). Permission would be needed for anything other than personal use, such as publishing in a document.

If you have any material you would like to donate, or I can purchase at a reasonable price, I would be interested in hearing from you. These would be accepted/purchased with the understanding that I would like to share the item(s) on this site.

I am really excited about sharing these genealogy “gems” with others! Please check back on a regular basis to see if any more “treasures” have been added!


Janis Booth (September 2020; Revised March 2021)

P.S. A special thank you to my sister Faye Sinclair for the continued support and encouragement of this site! Also to our brother John, who made this site possible! Lastly, my children and grandchildren!
Contact email is: [email protected]